
I wanted to love Ballast Point's Pineapple Sculpin but it fell short of their Grapefruit Sculpin, IMHO. Still totally solid, though. I really like their beers and there are still so many I have yet to try. I'm looking forward to trying the Sour Wench, which I think will be in stores starting this month.

I've actually watched most of her films over the years already, this is mainly a rewatch. So I've seen Oleander already, then rewatched it this week. I think it's flawed but she has some tremendous scenes.

So true. I think I shared it here recently, but in his new book (Opening Wednesday at a Theater or Drive-In Near You) Charles Taylor says basically the same thing:

I need to see that doc. I just rewatched Dawn in honor of Romero.

The last week or so has been especially disturbing, disheartening, and infuriating. All of that and more.

I'm on a huge Michelle Pfeffier kick lately. It started because I mentioned on Facebook how I've long felt she's the best actress of my lifetime. A lot of Streep fans started debating me (I destroyed them). This motivated to rewatch her movies, most of which I've seen but a few I haven't yet. As I watch I'm compiling

Just read Justice League vs. Suicide Squad and really enjoyed it. Also reread Elektra: Assassin for the first time in many moons, loved it as always. It's still one of the most insane comics ever published by Marvel, or DC for that matter. Sienkiewicz's art is astonishing.

I likey.

I don't know of one Mad Monk collection with all of these, sadly. I bet the original story has been collected tons of times in various editions. I have this over-sized collection of early Batman stories that I got as a kid and it's in that. DC just published a Gerry Conway Batman collection, but I'm not sure it

I absolutely love all of those Mad Monk stories - the original, the 1982 take by Gerry Conway with awesome art by Don Newton and Gene Colan, and the awesome Matt Wagner miniseries from about ten years ago.

That sounds amazing and right up my alley! I really think I'm gonna get it now.


That's understandable. If my math is correct, I think they'll be able to collect the entirety of the Nocenti run (most of which JR Jr. drew) in four Epics. One's out, the second is on it's way, then I think they'll just need one to collect the start of the run and one to finish it.

That was the first Daredevil I collected monthly. Couldn't wait for that one every month.

Also, poking around online I see DC's releasing a Challengers collection of the Kirby run, later this year. Never read that either.

You guys are swaying me towards getting that omnibus myself!

Cool, thanks. I'm definitely leaning towards pulling the trigger on it…

Oh my, I just mentioned wanting to read the Drake-Premiani run above. Does that mean I'll be complicit in this virulence?

So that B&N gift card I got for Father's Day is still burning a hole in my wallet. Things got complicated when I realized I could get the new Doom Patrol Silver Age Omnibus and only have to pay about 15 bucks over the gift card amount. The thing is, I've never read that many Silver Age comics, and while I like the

Oh right, I did hear about that. Kubert isn't really my jam, so we'll see.