
So long and thanks for all the fish!

Thanks, buddy. I might try to port my account over to Kinja once they announce how exactly I can do that. Maybe I'll see you on the flip side??

All we can hope for is that he goes blind by end of business today.

Banks's stuff is totally insane. Fun reads, but definitely bonkers.

I went nuts on new comics at the LCS today for the first time in months. Picked up Wonder Woman (my only full time series on my pull these days), first two issues of Astonishing X-Men and all five of Jean Grey that are out so far. Those latter two were strong recommendations from a guy who works there and who I trust.

Same here at my shop. Kind of bummed, was looking forward to checking out Mister Miracle.

This has been my favorite show of the last few years. Think I'm two episodes into S3 at this point. I'll really miss this one when it's gone. Love the spirit and tone, plus McNarry, Bische, Davis, and Pace are absolutely brilliant in it.

I know, it's come down to that.

I know how you feel, it seems to be getting worse at such a ridiculously rapid pace. The constant assault on the democracy is just overwhelming, too much too fast to process.

I'm not sure I'm transitioning to Kinja either, so this might be it for me too. I'll miss you, if that's the case. I wish you nothing but the best. Maybe I'll try the Avocado sometime. Might you?

Seriously, just fuck it all. It's all so disheartening, so disturbing. Every time we reach a new low, we hit another within days or sometimes minutes. That presser was full-on unhinged batshit crazy Nazi sympathizing. FROM THE PRESIDENT.

Or a middle linebacker.

Yup, her body language and his creepy hand placement are pretty hard to ignore. This dude's guilty.

I was just talking about that moment with a friend on Facebook yesterday (after having shared the AVC's Best Films of 1997 list). That scene is so pivotal, and no matter how often I watch the movie it never loses any of its impact.

What trade are they at with Superman Rebirth now? I read the first one, enjoyed it fine, would be curious to read on if it's worthwhile.

Same here, but now it sounds like we won't be able to find any copies of number one anyway.

Plus for a big chunk of it he had one of my favorite characters, She-Hulk. Score!

I've probably only read about a dozen or so issues of the original Lee, Kirby run, so while I know that's the gold standard, I'll go with Byrne's FF as my favorite. I'd also like to give big shout outs to the brief Dwayne McDuffie era, as well as Waid's and Wieringo's run.

Sorry but I'm having a brain fart, what's TIF?

I'm surprised Lost Highway didn't make the cut either, especially with Lynchian love at an all-time high.