
Love that entire run with Ann Nocenti. Read it as a kid and it was probably too mature for me to fully grasp back then, still I absolutely loved it. I have all the issues but now I'm mighty tempted to upgrade to the Epic Collections. FYI, if you want to more of this there's another Epic of that run coming out this

I'm a fan but I understand his divisiveness these days. His art has changed several times over the years, getting uglier with each new shift in style. Sometimes that ugliness works - I still think his work on Captain America (the Dimension Z arc) is some of his best stuff. But since he's moved to DC I haven't been

There's a new Challengers comic? I totally missed that. Do you know who's working on it, etc.?

I'm very excited for the Terrifics and to see what Lemire can do with Hawkman. Is that one leading into a Hawkman solo series? I hope so. I'm reading Lemire's Moon Knight on Marvel Unlimited and it's fantastic.

I flipped through the first Cave Carson trade and it had the Scioli Super Powers backups, so these might be in the Mother Panic trade too.

Thank you, this is a great response. I knew much of it from my library friends, and part of my issue is I need to speak up for suggestions of books I'd like added to the catalog. If they can't order them, so be it, but I should at least ask more often than I do. Like you said, I'm sure some librarians appreciate

Thank you, friend. And one thing this has reinforced in me is my belief that we need to tell the people that mater to us precisely how much they matter to us. And while I know I don't know any of you outside of these comments sections or maybe social media, each of you that I correspond with regularly around here has

Did you all see this about a retelling of the Claremont era X-Men stories? I'm intrigued, although that's pretty much my favorite run ever so it'll take a lot to please me with this. I don't really know the artist, but the sample pages look good.

Thank you so much, Skippy.

"A good ending to the short Blockbuster arc"

Thank you, Shulkie. I'm really wracked with guilt too, because she and I lost touch, basically only kept in touch through stories from our parents in recent years. So I wish I'd been able to express as an adult just how important she was in my life back then. But her mom always told my mom that Jackie loved me, so I

That sums up my feelings on the matter pretty well. I've always been kind of proud about not giving a shit about stupid stuff - but I'm insanely passionate about the stuff that matters or that I care for or love. I see that trait in so many people of my generation, too. And yeah, I know so many boomers who have an

Hey, friend. I've been spotty with my replies around here, hope you're doing well. And good luck on the second date!!

That's actually kind of exactly how things should have turned out for us, I suppose. We were always a generation labeled "losers" and "slackers" so what did they expect from us, right?

As proud Gen Xer, I thank you for this comment.

This thread went dark fast.

I just posted that too! I deleted it after seeing your comment though, because we certainly don't need two Skeet-Scoot threads…or do we??

Definitely, on all counts. Plus I loved the art on that book, I think it was Otto Schmidt I really dug. I love how his Canary, definitely ranks up there on my list of artists who draw her best, somewhere below the masters Toth and Bolland.

I really enjoyed the first arc on Green Arrow, but then I dropped the book for cost savings around issue 7 or so. I'd love to check back in with it down the road. I especially liked the budding relationship (but with hints of their shared past) between Dinah and Ollie. I'd like to see where that's gone since.

You know you're gonna buy it, come on now.