
The choreography and panel design of the fights between Logan and the Hand's ninjas in the Claremont-Miller miniseries are outta site. Definitely some of the best and most memorable fight scenes in comics for me.

It looked laughably bad from the trailer. Seriously.

Wow, I'm way out of the loop with Marvel lately. I had no idea Ewing's Royals had even started, let alone that Rodriguez is announced to join. I LOVE Rodriguez's work, plus I dig Ewing. However, I don't care much for the Inhumans. Anyone reading this book? Is it worth a look?

Have you watched much from the 1970s? I'm gonna go all film snob here and say that's the last Golden Age of film, so you owe it to yourself to check out some of those flicks. When I was becoming a film nut as a teen in the '90s I was instantly drawn to '70s cinema because it seemed like so much of what I was loving in

Well, you basically summed up my own self-narrative! Except I'm from the Northeast, but otherwise this is pretty much me. So, thanks for helping me answer this!

No it was on SyFy, looks like for five seasons. I think it ended just a year or so ago. I caught parts of two or three episodes and was intrigued.

Right, what ticks me off is how so many people just accept what they've been fed, which is that no one comes close to comparing with Streep. Huh? My argument for Pfeiffer was that her performances seem more honest, less mannered, than Streep's - at least Streep's roles over the last two or so decades. With Streep, I

Same here! I've been lamenting that none of my friends seem to love it or remember it. I saw it twice in the '90s and each time came away feeling that Pfeiffer gave one of the most devastatingly beautiful and affecting performances I've ever seen. And DDL was positively smoldering, you're right.

I agree with your reading. The thing about the story that always rips me apart is how powerfully Newland and Ellen feel for each other but have to work hard to sublimate that longing because of societal norms, etc. It's just devastating to watch on screen. Pfeiffer and Lewis are incredible in that film (duh, they are

Which book?

I've also been reaching back to some older movies I love and some I haven't seen yet. Recently rewatched The Age of Innocence and it was the first time my wife had seen it. Damn it still holds up beautifully. The aching and longing desire between Daniel Day Lewis and Michelle Pfeiffer practically explodes out of the

Has anyone watched Lost Girl? It's on Netflix and I'm really curious. My wife has zero interest in watching it though, so I suppose it would take me forever to slowly work my way through it in between times we watch things together. So, somebody here please rave about it so I can have some ammo to back up my desire to

I'm struggling to get through Under the Volcano currently. I want to like it more than I do, sadly. The writing is stunningly beautiful at times (some passages really took my breath away) but then at others it's just a rambling mess. I'm wondering if it's worth sticking it out? I hate not finishing books.

Now that DC is finally collecting the PAD Aquaman run I feel like I'm gonna need to buy those too and ditch my old floppies. Besides I never read the entire run. And yeah, I loved the first trades of Dixon Nightwing. Fast paced, noir thriller with lots of dynamic art. Plus I love Dick (Grayson, that is). Honestly I'm

I'm curious about graphic novel ordering decisions at libraries, actually. Several times I've started a series of trades only to find out the library collections stop at, say, volume four of a six volume set. Or other times they'll have volumes one through three, skip four, then have five and six. It's really

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the movie!

Yup I think it just released recently. They're also putting out, or already did, a Silver Age Adam Strange omnibus. Basically that and Doom Patrol are the two big Silver Age DC books I've always been most curious about.

Oh lord, as if I need more options. I have heard amazing things about that series though.

I appreciate the perspective and the support, and to you I say right back at ya, friend.

It is pretty dated, at least from the story arcs I've read over the years. I think I first read the "Born to Run" arc about ten years ago and found it dated then, so I imagine it's more so now. Still, if you can see past that, it's a blast and basically everything I've ever wanted out of a Flash series.