
I'll second that one. Sinestro Corps War was great.

Yeah, he seems to be a quantity over quality guy, for sure. His ratio of good to bad work is not that impressive.

Sounds a bit like me. Which is why I'm worried about committing to something like Waid's Flash trades - dear god that might take 10 or more trades to collect the entire run. That's an investment.

Yeah, I keep leaning towards the Flash trades. Even though I want to stick with the Nightwing trades it seems like Flash is the superior series to own, maybe. Ugh, I dunno, decisions decisions.

I'll also add that you should check out Johns' Hawkman run. It's 25 issues and DC is set to put those out in what I assume will amount to two trades, starting later this year or early next IIRC.

And it looks like DC is going to collect Johns' JSA in trades starting later this year. So that's another one I want to hop on board with the trades. I've read some of the run and liked it, and I know it's reputation is stellar.

Hey, I posted this the other day in another thread, but figured I might as well get some more comics folks' opinions. My mom gave me a $50 gift card to B&N for Father's Day and I'm already stressing out about what to use it on. I get like that with gift cards. I hem and haw over what to spend 'em on.

Ha, I just read your "dammit I'm late again" comment a full ten hours after you posted it. If you were late, what am I?!?

Nothing new, although I do have a small stack of new issues to get to. Just been busy with work and the long holiday weekend. I did polish off the first volume of Chuck Dixon's Nightwing and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll probably try to pick up the next few volumes soon.

I can't rave enough about how much I love UXF. Dammit, now I want to put aside my other reading and grab those trades off the shelf to reread!! It's so good.

That might be my favorite meta moment. Love Byrne's She-Hulk.

I read maybe the first 25-30 issues of the David's Aquaman run and LOVED it. I thought I would hate it because it's always seemed so '90s but it was great. Lots of fun. And coincidentally I just finished the first volume of Dixon's Nightwing (which DC is putting out in trades now - think they're up to volume 6). I

Weirdly, I loved Spider-Man as a kid, probably even considered him my favorite outside of Batman for a few years before the X-Men took center stage for me, but I haven't read much if any of his series for so long now I can't even remember. Still, if someone dropped a big '80s Roger Stern Spidey omnibus at my door I'd

I have a feeling you're right.

Thanks! I loved the first Black Magick trade, can't wait for the next one.

Unfortunately there's no way to know how you'd respond until you're in the situation as a parent. I'm an only child, an introvert, and someone who's always been comfortable being alone. So that's led to some frustration since having kids, for sure. But ultimately some biological imperative takes over and it actually

Yes, I used to find kids annoying, except for the rare occasions when I knew some really adorable ones that I connected with. But for years my wife and I were always annoyed when people talked about their kids constantly. Now I can look back and see that a lot of that annoyance came from our own fears. When we first

Great, I love when things are vague and I embrace change.

Comments question.

It was good, lots of visiting family, pool parties, and outdoor time. By late yesterday I was ready for my in-laws to be on their merry way, though. Still, a good long weekend. Glad I took Monday off to enjoy it.