
Is Mera a big part of that series? I hope so because she's awesome.

We play a lot of music for our two-and-a-half year old twins and when they heard Patty Smyth and Scandal's "Goodbye To You" recently they got hooked. They request it constantly and sing along with glee.

Ballast Point Sea Rose at home recently, then yesterday at my friends' 4th party I sampled some Saranac Summer Pils, Otter Creek Daily Dose IPA, and had a Sam Adams Fresh As Helles the other day when we went out for pizza with visiting family.

I got a Barnes & Noble gift card recently. Any suggestions on comics to spend it on? I have a few in mind but would love input.

True, good point. Ah well, Zee will always be one of my favorite Batman partners, even though she had a pretty limited run in that capacity.

Geeeeeeez, that's depressing. Makes me glad I skipped out when I did, though.

Wait, Zee is in Detective now?? Or was she just guest starring? I might be the only other person besides you who loved it when Dini shipped her and Batman back in the day. I LOVED his run and how he incorporated Zatanna into it.

I'm a big fan of Waid's run so I dropped the book when he left because I didn't like the looks of where Soule was going to take it. This reveal sounds bad. I'm scared to look it up, honestly.

Same here. I suppose I could read Kirby/Lee FF (which I've only ever read a handful of issues of) on Marvel Unlimited, but it's really tempting to get their run in Epics. Seems like the kind of series I'd like to have on the shelf, you know?

That's pretty much how I've been looking at it too. The only frustration arises from my completist nature, that impulse to want to collect an entire series from start to finish.

They're numbered by title, so in other words there have been five Daredevil Epics published so far and they're numbered 1, 3, 13, 18, 21. So they've mapped out how many volumes it'll take to collect the series and they're releasing them in random order. Again, that definitely frustrates me! I don't know why on earth

The omnibuses are an option. An expensive option, I'll admit, but ones I happily splurged on to have 3,000 pages of prime era Claremont X-Men on my shelf.

They are numbered, I believe. I own several (one Cap, two Moon Knights, one Daredevil, Iron Fist, Power Man and Iron Fist, and I think that's it?) because I like the format and the idea that at some point I could have a good chunk of, say, Daredevil collected across a handful of Epics is very appealing. Maybe replace

You should!

Love that era, Nocenti and JR Jr.! Enjoy!

Man, I loved the Courtney Ross Murderworld storyline in Excalibur. That was some gorgeous Alan Davis art. I know, that's redundant: all Alan Davis art is gorgeous.

I was reading it in trades and really liked it for a while. Somewhere around the third or fourth trade though I started to realize I didn't mind waiting between trades anymore. In fact, I was letting them sit and not reading them. I'm still not quite sure how to explain my feelings about Saga, because I kind of like

Yes, I had checked it out once or twice before but then forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder!

I recently read a big run of '90s Ghost Rider comics and they were exactly what I want out of that character: like a b movie in comic book format. I cannot imagine anything Marvel would do today with characters like that could come close to hitting the right notes for me.

I highly recommend Excalibur if you're at all interested in checking it out. It's a favorite of mine, both the early Claremont-Davis run and the later run where Davis writes and pencils. Also, the '90s Warren Ellis run is fantastic too.