
Land did the four issue mini that kicks off the trade and which led into the series, I believe. I think McDaniels hops on board at that point, yeah.

The only one that even remotely intrigued me was the Spirits of Vengeance. That's a fun lineup of supernatural Marvel characters buuuuuuuut it's 2017 Marvel so my expectations are that they'll screw it up.

I was just going to ask for recommendations on sites for comics news and reviews. Thanks, I'll check this out. I used to read io9 often but it's been a while now since I dropped out of checking it regularly. I can't seem to click with CBR or Bleeding Cool. I go there to see what's happening but then there's so much

Spider-Woman, Spider-Woman, Spider-Woman.

Words can't express how much I loved that series. I'm a sucker for lovable losers and this team was full of them. I miss Scandal Savage dearly. I thought she returned to DC Comics recently but I don't know. I didn't read the recent Secret Six revamp. It just looked like a major step down to me.

How brief a return for Black Magick? I absolutely loved the first volume but I'm trade waiting.

I've got my eye on the first Jean Grey trade. I love her and am excited she finally has her own series. Plus I love Hopeless's Spider-Woman was my favorite series of the last couple of years. Seems like I'm an easy mark for this one. If I was buying Marvel monthly this would be on top of my list, but I'm trying to

I just finished Perez's Wonder Woman Vol. 1, collecting #1-14 of his run. I'd read some of it before, and some of the latter issues in his run. This was wonderful (I can't help the pun, sorry). Truly beautiful all around - story, plot, art, layout and design, etc. Just a terrific run, fourteen issues that tell a

Which Daredevil Epic Collection?

That reminds me, what is he drawing now that Black Widow's over? Whatever it is I need to buy it.

A playlist full of Blondie, Patty Smyth, Pretenders, Iggy Pop, Divinyls, and other '80s new wave style stuff.

I saw it on opening day in early March and I'm still fucked up by it! Saw it again last month on Blu-ray and it didn't lose any of its impact, either. Great film.

It's a good movie. I agree with the OP that it should be on this list.

I haven't been following that stuff, what's kinja and does it mean we'll lose our preexisting accounts/ability to comment?

That's awesome! Congrats on the promotion and enjoy the trip! Have you been before? Have a great time, man!

God I love this movie. It's the perfect '90s action flick for my tastes. Reeves and Bullock have tremendous chemistry together and I still get all fluttery inside when she tells him, "But I'm not available to drive tomorrow. Busy."

Hey! How are you?

OMG Heather Thomas in "Zapped" wow. Teenage me was profoundly moved by her, um, performance.

BTW, how have you been, my friend? I haven't been hanging around here as much lately, since they've cut/changed the comics coverage. Feel like I don't get to chat as much with some of you since then.

Yeah, I've heard really bad things about that Devin Grayson run. If I get addicted to the book and start scarfing down the trades, maybe I'll quit when Dixon's gone.