
I've only read a few stories with him but they sucked. He's not interesting, as written. He also seems unnecessary, mostly superfluous with all the other ex-Robins around anyway. I dunno, I'm sure there's some 12 year old out there now who will one day say he's their favorite character, but holy fuck I'm old and don't

Wolverine in the miniseries by Claremont and Miller.


I was drifting away from Batman and Bat-related comics when Dick got his solo Nightwing series in the 90s, so I missed out on that. I picked up the first trade recently, it's in the reading pile now. It looks like a blast, which concerns me, because that would mean I'll be dropping dough on every single volume of that

Koriand'r could be pretty badass back in the day, I agree. I would also say she was written pretty well in 52, I enjoyed how she played a big part in that.

Hmmm. I like Hawkman, I like Capullo, and this sounds interesting enough but I'm lukewarm on Snyder. Maybe wait for trade on this one.

Seriously, I'm seeing that reading a lot - "why does she think of Steve instead of the Amazons?" and it bugs me each time I read it. Your comment is basically what I've said before. I think people are reading things into that scene that have nothing to do with the movie or with Diana's actual motivations and feelings.

Shipyard Melonhead. Interesting, refreshing, if also a little bit like sucking on a Jolly Rancher when you take that first sip.

Happy birthday, my friend!

I was just thinking the same thing this morning. It may a toss up between III and Physical Graffiti for me, but they're both phenomenal.

Never trust a big butt and smile.

The Wonder Woman movie. Loved it, saw it twice so far, can't wait to watch one day with my daughter and son when they're old enough. Also, hooray for Gal Gadot's performance and Patty Jenkins making the type of Wonder Woman movie I wanted.

I have a copy of Howard Chaykin: Conversations and hope to start it soon. Weirdly, after I pulled this off the shelf the other day I started hearing about the recent Chaykin controversy over a transphobic scene in his new comic.

Led Zep III

Ah, The Apartment. It's been far too long since I've seen that.

Interesting. I keep seeing that interpretation of that scene, but it's not how I see it at all. I don't see it as Diana remembering her big super powers. I see it as Diana shaking off a moment of doubt over the inherent goodness of most of the human race, one that had just overtaken her when she realized the blame

You are correct, Shulkie!

That's not at all how I see that scene. Not to mention there's a bunch of really fun and interesting conversation between them after the marriage talk. The marriage discussion starts before he's lying down next to her, after all.

I saw it again today. I cried a bunch. Again. So be prepared! It more than holds up to a second viewing.

I loved the movie so, so much. So much in fact that when I found myself having an unplanned day off today (the AC in the office building I work in was broken and it was 94 degrees in there), I headed over to the theater to see Wonder Woman for the second time. Your posts here put into words why I loved it so much.