
Absolutely. That may have been when I first became aware of her, actually. Loved that series.

She left WW several months back, but I'm sure she'll return to the character again before you know it. Yeah, her Black Magick art is just sumptuous.

Agreed, I really enjoyed that run. Plus, with Cliff Chiang on art it was one of the most gorgeous looking books of recent memory. I'm curious, did Jim Lee or Chiang (or someone else?) design her New 52 costume? Because it's one of the only New 52 redesigns I genuinely loved. Especially, of course, when drawn by Chiang.

Definitely, so much to explore. I'd love to look at the dynamic between Diana and Steve and how unusual and refreshing it is when compared to so much else in pop culture male-female pairings.

Major upvote for the Larry Hama love. His Wolverine is phenomenal, the epitome of what I want out of a Wolverine comic book. Also, Hama is way too underrated, you're right.

Yeah I have no problem with cheesecake either. Deodato really dials up the cheesecake to eleven, for sure. Of course, he's no Jim Balent, but he tries.

Nicola Scott has become my Wonder Woman artist. I've been known to gush about her work on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and she's been known to like these posts. That makes the fanboy in me swoon, I ain't gonna lie.

I read that Bolland designed it but that even he didn't like it! Seems like it was editorially mandated and he did the best he could. But I don't hate it, really. It's fine but just seems bizarre for Diana to wear. Still, Deodato draws the hell out of that run and if you can put up with an absurd amount of cheesecake,

And even if Claremont really did write it all, he was clearly influenced by Miller's style. It's a masterpiece, straight up.

I'm one of those people comparing Gadot's performance to Reeve's. She embodies the role fully. It was a tremendous performance.

I have the Wonder Woman annual on top of the stack to read. Cannot wait. I've also decided I'm going to stick with the book after Rucka leaves, to give Fontana a shot.

I'm really enjoying everything I try by Ballast Point, so I'll be keeping my eyes out for this one. I recently finished a sixer of their Red Velvet and it was delicious.

I grew up watching him host the late-night movies, so I've been a fan ever since. I picked up a used copy of Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In a few years ago. That was classic, unfiltered Joe Bob. Good stuff, worth looking for. His battles with the network execs and various corporate overlords were always fun to watch

He and his Drive-in Totals are a national treasure.

As usual, we're on similar wavelengths with stuff like this. Loved your comment. Enjoy the movie! I won't get to see it this weekend but we're planning to take the kids to the LCS for Wonder Woman Day tomorrow Free Wonder Woman bracelets and tiaras! This should be fun. My daughter is turning into a serious Wonder

You're making the rest of us look bad, friend.

I've never seen it like Waid does. Almost seems like he's taking it too literally without seeing the underpinnings of that dichotomy. She hopes to establish peace and is continually confronted with a world that makes doing that incredibly difficult. So she engages when necessary but otherwise still tries to embody

This one:

And I'll add that, personally, Wonder Woman has become quite possibly my favorite DC character in recent years. I always liked her but never quite appreciated her. It's possible that's because she hasn't had as many consistently great stories in her catalog as, say, Batman. But in recent years I've really grown to

Ha, I didn't see this when I posted my link up above. Here's Sequart's week of celebrating Wonder Woman: http://sequart.org/