
Spider-Woman! I can't praise that series enough. My favorite Marvel book the last few years. Also Greg Rucka's Wonder Woman since Rebirth has been awesome. Also, Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 has been an awful lot of fun (even though I'm a few issues behind).

For Wonder Woman Fans!

Ah, so Fernandez was the artist on The Names. How was that one? I remember liking what I saw of the previews but not quite being able to get a handle on what the hell it was about.

Noooooooooooooo. Then again, it is Priest.

Not surprised to hear that. You still reading Deathstroke? I think I stopped somewhere around #10.

I just double checked the pub date, I was 11. Still, I don't think I would have known what to make of that scene.

It kind of frightens me to think what an eight or nine year old me would have thought if I'd read this when it first came out. Yeesh.

I wish Rucka had lasted longer, too. I'm tempted to drop the book once he leaves, but then again it's the only monthly I'm reading and I'm curious to see what the next creative team can do. I think I'll give it a few months at least.

She certainly was a cutie on The Fall Guy:

Two shows I watched a lot as a kid - Night Court and the Fall Guy - featured Markie Post. Game over, son. I was hooked from then on. She really is a striking woman. I mean, she even looked good despite the goofy '80s hair styles!

If we can make it to the LCS this Saturday for Wonder Woman Day, I think I'll have three issues of Wonder Woman to pick up, including the annual.

Thanks for reminding me, I still need to read that one!

One of my favorite bands and Chrissie Hynde was my first - and still number one - rock crush.

I couldn't believe what I was reading.

My wife and I wanted to like that movie more than we did. Still, it was a decent Gothic romance.

A few weeks ago, I raved here about how much Christine hit me right in the feels. Truly amazing, and devastating, performance from Rebecca Hall. Reviewed it here:

Well, not much lately, a little writing here and there. I did draw a pretty kickass Rogue for my daughter (trying to introduce the kids to the X-Men). She wants a Wonder Woman next, so I need to get on that. In the meantime I wrote this as part of Sequart's Wonder Woman Week:

Forty pages to go in It. Um, shit just got weird(er) in the thirty or so pages I read last night. Like, uncomfortably weird.

I read the first Green Lanterns trade and while it wasn't perfect by any stretch, I really enjoyed it. Like W.S. Punk says, I had no relationship with Simon or Jessica, but in my case I instantly connected with Jessica. Now I want to look for future trades in the series, just to follow her character. I think she's a

Nostalgia is real. I experience it more frequently now than I even imagined I would.