
"It still comes up in nearly every discussion of 90s music."

God, every quote from Mark Arm ever is awful. He must be the biggest dick. I can't fathom why he even has friends.

Thanks, it's nice to know others understand. And yes, he's stuck with me up until now also. He always will.

Exactly, it's a not a rational decision. If they were capable of seeing it that way they wouldn't do it because they'd be overwhelmed by the grief it might cause their families. But the pain and suffering they're experiencing every single day is what's overwhelming for them, and fosters of a sense of losing hope,

I'm your age and right there with you in terms of feeling devastated by this news. Those bands were my LIFE back then, and for that reason I think I'll always loved them. What's also huge about Cornell is how he accepted Ed when he moved to Seattle to join Pearl Jam. Chris was like the mentor, the papa of that scene,

This is killing me. Cornell was HUGE in my growing up and remained so even now. He was one of the musical gods who walked the earth for teens like me back then, but he wasn't distant like a god, he seemed so utterly human and full of heart and fragile and flawed and honest.

Check it out, definitely. I know Hall was nominated for and won some awards, and awards are meaningless for the most part, but I'm still surprised she wasn't nominated for an Oscar.

Good thing it's not that movie I'm talking about!

I saw Christine the other day.

Oh the characters were often totally eye roll inducing! One of the more angst-ridden series I've ever seen!

Nailed it.

Fucking hell this guy. I just can't anymore with his bullshit.

Yup, my girlfriend at the time (now wife) and I used to watch Felicity religiously. We often complained over the final three seasons about how much the quality had dropped, but then it did rally some towards the end and I remember loving the series finale. We need to do a full rewatch of this show one of these days.

It succinctly sums it up!

LifeDeath is amazing.

Ha, I just replied with something very similar, then read your comments below mine. I agree with a lot of what you're saying here!

The Waid run wasn't all retro fun. It dealt with a number of dark themes, including Matt's depression and aspects of his relationships with his mother and father.

Yeah that comment was bizarre. Daredevil wasn't perfect but when it was firing on all cylinders it was excellent. And Black Widow?? Come on, that series was perfection, to me.

The first arc was a mess, IMHO. A fun mess at times, sure, but mostly just felt like a slog to me. I dropped it after that, no way was it worth the cover price. Plus, I think Jock was on the next arc and I'm not a fan of his art. Also, the backups did zip for me, so that wasn't even any added value.

Same here with Henry. I watched the movie up late, by myself, and I was just devastated. I remember being sunk into the couch, unable to move. And the banality of evil you mention is precisely why that movie works so well at traumatizing audiences. Henry's life, and the murders, are all portrayed so matter-of-factly,