
That duel is one hell of a tensely executed scene.

This all needs to happen, ALL OF IT.

Same here. I've read a ton of King (many of the same ones you've read) but I've never read Carrie either! 'Salem's Lot is one of my favorites, you'll love it. Gerald's Game is next on my list, actually.

"What we really need to get to the bottom of is the leaks! That's the real story!" - the GOP

Finished The Caped Crusade by Glen Weldon. For a Bat-nerd like me it was a real treat, plus Weldon is a terrific writer, very funny yet also offering deep and smart critical evaluations of every facet of Batman's lifespan along the way. One of the best pop cultural analyses I've read in a long time.

We're watching Barry Lyndon - we watched the first part last night and stopped at the intermission (yes, the film has an intermission). We'll finish tonight, hopefully. I saw it once as a teenager when I couldn't fully appreciate it. I was in the midst of discovering (and falling for) Kubrick's films, but this one

Horray for Sally Yates. Goddamn she made my week. Then of course the Comey thing happened and the administration followed that up with a litany of idiotic reasons and blatant lies about it, so now I'm back to being pissed off. But for a brief moment on Monday, we all had Sally Yates to cheer us up. Why? Because she

If you read it, let us know. We can discuss!

I really can't argue with you there. I'm a superhero fan, read comics, etc., and even I am starting to loathe some of these movies.

Awesome, thanks for the words of wisdom and advice from one who's done it! Yeah, that's kind of how I feel - I don't care if I sell any copies, I just want to do it one day. For me.

And that moment when you wake up again at, say, 1:00 am, and you have no idea what the heck happened or where you are, but you have a tablet or a book half-covering your face…oy.

Very cool, congrats! So as someone who dreams of maybe someday writing a book myself, I have to ask you a bunch of questions. Did you go straight to CreateSpace or shop it around first? How is CreateSpace to work with?

I've found that since I had kids I've slowed down. I also find myself struggling to keep my eyes open at night now (again, freakin' kids), so I'm only getting about 20-30 pages of It read per night lately.


Also forgot to mention I'm reading The Caped Crusade, got a review copy of the new paperback. Might end up reviewing it later for one of the sites I contribute to. It's fantastic so far. Any of you fine folks read it?

All in a week? I remember when I used to be a fast reader. So jealous!


I wish they'd let Cumberbatch keep his regular accent. Why couldn't Strange be English, right? Unless they were going for a stereotypical American arrogance with him, I guess, but still.

Still reading It, up to around page 570 as of last night. LOVING IT.

Stan Lee is in the house!