
Also, I hope you're feeling better soon!

We will! We can discuss music and food and whatever other stuff is being discussed on Wednesdays.

Mind blown.

That's crazy talk!

I feel much the same way you do about all of this, so at least know you're not alone on that. I dearly love Captain America and so I'm trying to stay out of the fray on this one because it's just not worth it for me.

That's what I keep telling myself every single day.

Oh lord, there's another timeline??

Dammit I want to come up with a clever retort to your question, in the vein of Norm from Cheers, but I'm too darn tired!

You confirmed several things I was thinking about that run! That Golden cover is GORGEOUS! But then I looked at the preview pages on Amazon and …meh.

Really? I hadn't heard it compared to Spider-Woman before. Is it darker, though? It seems dark. Jen is easily one of my favorite Marvel characters though so I'm definitely curious.

I read up to issue 6 or so, I think. I stopped in the middle of some crossover that I wasn't following, the name of which escapes me now. I need to get back to it though because I was definitely enjoying it.

Thanks for that. Well, my first reaction was a big old yawn.

Can you link to something with a list of these new comics? I've been out of the comics news loop for a week or two and have no clue what this is.

He didn't praise Secret Empire. He tore it a new one!

Wow, what time did this go up, 12 am? 221 comments already. Do any of you, I dunno, sleep?

Yes, I've been meaning to read that one almost since it came out. It's on Marvel Unlimited, I need to just do it.

That's another big selling point for trades, yeah. It allows you some time to let your engines cool, as it were, to the point where sometimes you just don't care anymore.

Curious, have you read the J.M. DeMatteis Defenders run? I've noticed Marvel's been putting it out in Epic Collections and I'm curious about it.

Patsy was a supporting player in the Soule She-Hulk book from a few years back, that might be where it started?

I'm about to stop as well. Once Rucka leaves Wonder Woman in a few months I'm dropping that, my last regular monthly. I think I'll also just cancel my pull outright, so it's a clean break. I might still buy some monthlies now and then, but I don't want the monthly price commitment any longer.