
Exactly. The cost-to-benefit ration so much better with trades. Of course I'm running out of room to store trades now, too.

About to finish up the last of the Lethal Larry Hama & Marc Silvestri Wolverine trades. One issue to go. It's been amazing, and things have ramped up to such insane levels now - Mariko, Yukio, Matsuo, Silver Fox, Jubilee, Gambit, Sunfire, Silver Samurai, the Hand, HYDRA, all crashing together into one batshit crazy

Sweet lord he was amazing, wasn't he?

I dunno, do any of their titles last more than a dozen or so issues anymore? Even the big ones like Cap seem to restart after twenty or so issues.

Good point. Parobeck's art blows the Hellcat art out of the water, though.

Marvel Unlimited is definitely worth the $69 annual charge.

I'm excited because I still have on more trade of it to read, out this June. But I'm also sad because once I read it, that's it. Bummer.

Spider-Woman, Spider-Woman, Spider-Woman.

I didn't even try those because I had a feeling. My favorite Marvel book, Spider-Woman, was perfection for me. I loved it. It was humorous but also filled with action and real emotions, plus some of the best artwork in comics over the last two years. It'd be cool to see Marvel do some more books like that, but I won't

Pretty much sums up my feelings too. I tried this book but just couldn't get into it. It's cool that so many people clearly love it, though.

Just reading about how many more movies are planned in the MCU is burning me out.

I follow Gail on there and also on Facebook. I also follow Bill Sienkiewicz, one of my favorite artists. He's consistently funny (in the dry, Letterman-esque sort of way that I gravitate towards) and pleasant. He gets heated about politics and some comics related stories, but it's always entertaining and from what

"He feels too much like a company man these days, constantly sticking up for the top brass at Marvel and teaming up with them to talk smack about Bleeding Cool and DC."

Yes to all of this. Plus you have Batman and the Outsiders during that period! And all-time great runs by Barr and Davis, Engelhart and Rogers, O'Neil and Adams, and Grant and Breyfogle.

I felt like it was a total Doctor Who story in disguise, too. Which is fine, I don't have an issue with that.

No I don't have any on hand, I was following him on Twitter for a bit and he went at it sometimes with readers about stuff. Granted, a lot of them were being dicks so I don't begrudge him for retaliating, but it seemed like it was happening a lot and it just wore me out. Plus some of his tweets seemed just a wee bit

Absolutely. His Wolverine run is basically everything I want out of a Wolverine book.

I have NTT Vol. 6 in the reading pile, can't wait to get to it.

Absolutely, he kept returning to the same well, with quickly diminishing returns. I just liked how batshit crazy his WCA run was, that's all. Now, I haven't read it in years, so maybe I'd feel differently today.

I skipped plenty of runs back in the day also that I now ask myself "WTF was I thinking?" I also had a little stretch where I thought I'd outgrown comics. Ha! Little did I know the strength of their hold over me.