
I will perch right out on that limb with you, brother. I love the Claremont-Davis issues, but I really love the Davis writer/artist run.

I have all of those issues except for the Marvel Comics Presents stories that are included. So I'm mighty tempted to upgrade to this trade. Excalibur, when Claremont and/or Davis were on the book, was one of my favorites, ever.

Oh he totally ruined them but I'm not so attached to either Scarlet Witch or Vision to really care! Slight correction, I've actually grown to like Scarlet Witch since but when I read this run I was fine with Byrne going crazy. Like I said, it's nuts, I'm not going to say it was good! Sometimes I just like nuts.

I don't think I've had a Marvel mainstay writer in the recent past that I really loved, to the point that I'd follow them from book to book. Waid comes close for me, but even him I have to like the characters he's writing and the artists he's working with to follow him at this point (I loved Daredevil and the recently

My thoughts exactly!

Holy hell I forgot I read the first six issues of his Silver Surfer run and liked it. However, I think most of that was due to Allred, whom I love. Anyway, definitely want to read that series at some point. Maybe I'll wait until it's over and binge it in trades or something.

You know I love She-Hulk so I tried his run and bailed after about six issues. I think I'll go back and try it again at some point, but honestly I wasn't into his take on Jen all that much.

Issues 18 and 19 of Wonder Woman. Really loving Bilquis Evely's art on her arc, plus Liam Sharp's work on his arc continually blows me away. I'm enjoying this run a lot, even if it has a tendency to wander or meander, I kind of appreciate the tone and pacing that Rucka's established. I'll miss it when he leaves the

I never read much West Coast Avengers besides John Byrne's run, which I loved. I think that run starts a few years into the series, I recommend checking it out. It's nuts, but enjoyably nuts.

Rucka leaving Wonder Woman is reason enough for me to drop my last regular monthly book. I'll be down to just the Batman '66 minis at this point. I'm sad to see Rucka's run end relatively quickly, but at the same time I've been looking for reasons to stop my pull list, and this might be a sign that I can do that.

Well, I haven't read a Spider-Man book in…oh lord, ages. This description makes me feel I'm not missing anything. But that Immomen art is gorgeous, as always. I really like him, wish he was on a book I cared about right now.

And in this one she appears to be a blow-up doll:

Nighthawks rules.

That's my standard response to most of what Marvel's publishing these days.

Yeah, I don't think he realizes how this internet thing works. People all over the world will have access to the comments he's making out of both sides of his mouth, which will just make us think even less of him than we already do. His comments since this story broke have been singularly dumbfounding to me, and the

Mary Elizabeth Winston is one of the most beautiful women in the world. Full stop.

Oh god I know, they won't learn a thing. Remember, learning is for elitist snobs.

We should, dammit.

Ugh that sounds horrible. I work for a university press, so there's an added layer of snootiness, a different type than what I've encountered with the publishing pros I know or have met that work for commercial houses. My only real problem with these pedants is that their focus can be so narrow, so exclusionary to any

I'm starting to drift from monthly comics. I'm only reading Wonder Woman now, and I'm a few issues behind on that. Oh, also the Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 mini, but that's only lasting for six issues, I think.