
Fuck Cinnamon Spice and fuck that guy you work with.

I will try that next time I run across one of these asshats in the hallway!

I never run out of "fuck yous" for Trump voters. My anger with them hasn't subsided one bit.

My job right now, just fuck it hard.

I'm really sorry to hear this, Isis. A few years ago my dad's health took a turn for the worse and he struggled through several years of deteriorating health, to the point where he wound up in a nursing home for almost two years. He was only around 74 or 75 when he went in. He died in 2015. I totally understand how

Which made getting through the five thousand scenes of people talking to each other in Bendis' Daredevil even harder for me.

Same as with Jock, I appreciate his talent and execution on covers (loved Maleev's Moon Knight covers, for example) and certain panel work but when these guys are doing superhero action comics, it just feels flat and dull to me.

I feel the same about Alex Maleev, another artist I never hear anyone say anything about that isn't positively gushing. I just don't get it.

I dropped it after slogging through the first Two-Face arc, which was about three issues longer than it had any right to be.

I see what you did there…and I like it.

Unpopular opinion time: while I can appreciate Jock's talent, I don't really care for his art.

It was years before I realized that, too! Definitely made me love it even more.

Did people ever give a shit about the Inhumans, though? That said, Royals looks interesting…

See, I only call you a fucknut behind your back, not when I'm logged into Disqus.

I shared similar concerns back then. Ah, youth.

Gods, yes. Think I saw that one first but had no clue who she was. I remember right after Speed, as we left the theater, my friends and I were gushing about how awesome the movie was but also how Bullock was our dream girl. I distinctly remember my buddy saying, "Where can we find a girl like her???"

I think at the time I only read the X-Men issues! Unlimited has the two Ghost Rider issues though, so I can read 'em all now.

Cool, thanks.

I got a big, tall bookcase a while back and the darn thing is already nearly full. But…it's Kirby! And it's all of the Fourth World!

Dixon sure had some seriously long runs on several books back in the day, didn't he? Wow, you don't see that anymore.