
No I read the first of those old omnibuses years ago, from the library. Never kept up, though. And like you, every time I tried to buy them they were outrageously priced, once they went OoP. That's why I'm tempted to jump on this new, complete omnibus.

Tex's art was great, all messy and scratchy and dynamic as hell. I see a lot of Breyfogle, Sienkiewicz, and Cowan in it, honestly.

Yeah, I'm kind of jonesing for some '90s era Dick Grayson stories and I've always heard good things about Dixon's Nightwing.

Every time I see Al Ewing's name I remember that I started his Ultimates run on Marvel Unlimited, got to around issue #6 and then fell off. I really need to get back to that. I'd even consider buying the trades, it was great. Loved the Kenneth Rocafort art, too.

Yeah, the only guy I can think of who really helped bring the Silver Age Batman stories into modern times would be Grant Morrison. Otherwise it seems like most writers have ignored it for decades, or only nodded and winked in its direction.

Seeing that movie in the theater was like a religious experience for me. Absolutely incredible. I remember my friends and I were practically molded to our chairs, we were so blown back by the bank robbery-gunfight scene.

I almost included JL Detroit on the list but forgot! I'm seriously tempted to get that. I've read a couple of issues of it and it's by no means great but it's such a bizarre iteration of the League I kind of can't resist.

I would like to go to Denver one day, but sadly have no plans to do so yet!

I really need to check back in with Moon Knight. I dropped it after the short Ellis run. I hear good things about this new run.

I've read "Born to Run" and "Return of Barry Allen," then a few random issues, all were excellent. Now I'm leaning towards Nightwing and Flash…

I believe Marvel released it in an Epic Collection last fall to coincide with the movie release. I don't own it - I read it an Essential from the library about ten years ago - but I'm tempted now.

I've been curious about that book. Does he only look at the super popular Batman appearances, in other words just the major runs by Snyder or Miller, etc., and then the animated series, the '60s one, and the movies?

Also forgot to ask - have you read the '70s Doctor Strange by Steve Englehart, with art by Frank Brunner and Gene Colan? It's incredible. First of all, the stories are totally trippy (as they should be), and then main artist Brunner turns in some of the most beautifully evocative art I've ever seen.

So, we seem to be living in the Golden Age of collected editions. Every month I see more and more solicits for stuff that I never dreamed would be collected. DC and Marvel are putting out so much great stuff, or at least interesting stuff, from the '70s through the '90s that I simply can't keep up. I want to get some,

As I said here the other day, I've read the first twenty issues of the '90s Danny Ketch Ghost Rider series (that's all Unlimited has, then it skips ahead to three later issues). And to repeat: it's batshit crazy. Definitely a wild (ghost) ride. Is it good? Uh, no, not really. But there's something admirable about its

I agree, The Oath isn't perfect but it's terrific. The Martin art is fantastic, too.

Ah yes, the film that introduced me to Sandy Bullock and started my 90s crush on her. Then I saw Speed the next year and that tiny crush was now full blown.

"See, we've got this other idea, to make Cap a secret Nazi! Now that's the kind of cool, edgy stuff we wanna pursue!"

Wow, crazy. He's an interesting character, it's sad Marvel isn't doing much of anything with him anymore.

Is Blade even appearing in any of their comics right now? It's not as if he's involved in some massively important story that would preclude Wimberly's take. It's so stupid, you're right.