
Much love for The Faculty!

God I loved that series by Paul Cornell. I mean, for chrissakes, Dracula on the moon!!

Wesley Snipes in the '90s: King of New York, Sugar Hill, Passenger 57, Blade…the man was legit back then. Some killer roles in movies that ranged from good (Passenger 57) to all-time classic (King of New York).

Doctor Strange has had some stellar artists on his books over the years: Ditko, Frank Brunner, Gene Colan, Marshall Rogers, Marcos Martin, Javier Rodriguez…

Well, I've read a bunch of Doctor Strange over the years, but I only read the first six issues of the current Aaron run and then dropped out. It was good and I keep meaning to go back to it at some point…

Can this series be read independent of the other Doctor Strange book and still be enjoyable? Because I effing love Rodriguez, he might be my favorite comics artist at the moment, and I've been holding out for a trade on this.

And then the one where Kelly punches out Tia Carrere? While wearing the shortest tightest dress I've ever seen? Holy geez that was hot.

OMG David Leisure.

I had a shitty couple of years a few years back. My parents were both sick a lot, in out and out of hospitals and I don't have any siblings so I was it in terms of talking to doctors, nurses, etc. And that's only a small part of the craziness that was going on in my life then. Things settled, though. Then a year or so

I just started It the other night. I've read a ton of Stephen King over the years but kept putting this one off. Still nearly 1,100 pages to go, but it's awesome so far.

I'm not varying it up much lately, just binging on some of my favorites: PJ Harvey, Linda Ronstadt, Radiohead, Smiths, Mazzy Star, Divinyls.

Same thing happened to me. Ugh.

Yeah, later in the run I was watching the new episodes semi-regularly and also watching the reruns that seemed to be on a lot by that point. It definitely got to be overload after a while. Not Christina Applegate though, oh hell no. I could not get enough of her.

Quite possibly my two favorite '90s television crushes. Gotta give the edge to Kelly, though.

Exactly, there was this major disconnect between that push for the Cosby-esque nuclear family shows and movies and what most of the kids in my school were experiencing, it seemed.

Seriously, it's amazing to me how strong a hold Christina as Kelly still has on me all these years later. I mean, I grew out of liking that "type" in the '90s when I shifted over to being into "alternative" grunge/punk rock girls. So many youthful crushes just dissipate with time, but not this one. Hard to explain

Yes! I can still remember the way parents reacted to MWC so vehemently, and that only made us kids want to watch it more. Even though it was so obviously exaggerated, there was still something very honest about seeing that type of family. Mine wasn't like but a shit-tone of my friends' families were, and I spent lots

And I'm trying to remember now, but help me out: Kelly started out more sullen than dumb, then veered hard into the dumb blond style, then later on was more happy than dumb, if that makes sense? I don't know, that's kind of how I remember it but it's been a while since I've caught different eras of the show.

Ha, we both just used "absurd" to describe. Seems about right!

I think part of the show's impact on Gen Xers like me was that it was one of the first TV shows that reflected what some of us were seeing in our homes, or in our friend's homes, only exaggerated to absurd levels for comic effect. It was one of the first shows I remember that was poking fun at the Boomers, big time.