
Yup, I think her evolution over the course of the series was the best. I know, these characters didn't really evolve (at all, in most cases), but Kelly did to a small degree, I think.

I fully realize how cliche this will sound but I don't care. All reason and insight flies out the window when it comes to Kelly Bundy. Not only did I crush on her because she was absurdly hot, but Christina Applegate was just so charming and likable in the role. She never gets enough credit for how well she subverted

I agree wholeheartedly with this. Anarchy is tremendous. I enjoyed Election Night also, but not quite as much. Still, Frank Grillo is spectacular in those movies.

Those '90s Ghost Rider comics are not necessarily good, but they're wildly entertaining. Everything is so grim and everybody's always shouting at each other. It's a hoot. They also feature some early Mark Texeira art, when he was doing a sort of scratchy Denys Cowan or Bill Sienkiewicz thing at times. It's also

That's what I've heard, so I might just jump to Walt. I must admit I'm weirdly curious about the run that comes later on (maybe in the 360s and up?) where Sue wears that idiotic lingerie costume with the boob window, just for the shear nutty '90s-ness of it all. I've actually read some of those issues before and they

I'm reading New Teen Titans in trades as DC releases them. It's awesome but holy cow the Slade-Terra thing is disturbing.

After finishing Byrne's FF on Unlimited (SO GOOD!), I had considered continuing on with that series into the 300s (looks like Englehart takes over from Stern soon, then Simonson comes on board later).

I know. The only thing I've really read with any regularity there over the last year is their list of each week's best new comics. That's about it.


I'd be 100% down wth that. Can you imagine them doing a run with Spider-Man??

Exactly. I've been frustrated by the way Marvel's kept Rogue separate from a lot of the main X-Men action recently. Of course, the X-Men have been a huge mess and Uncanny Avengers might have been the best place for her to avoid that nonsense anyway.

Sounds terrific. It's half off on Amazon right now so it's practically begging me to get it.

So when is Duggan off the book? I see he's still writing the next issue, do you know who's taking over?

Did you ever read Waid's JLA Year One? I missed that one. Looks like it's getting the deluxe hardcover treatment this May. I'm mighty tempted…

Definitely. I need to revisit that one and get caught up. Another I was reading and really liked was Al Ewing's Ultimates. Again, stopped somewhere around issue 5 or 6 but really want to check back in on that one.

Comics Alliance to close:

I was reading the latest volume of Uncanny Avengers as it was added to Marvel Unlimited. Think I got up to issue #5? I kinda sorta liked it. Nothing earth shattering about it but it was a decent superhero comic with some cool art.

What I want to know now is what's Samnee's next project? I can't find any info on that…

Thanks, I just Googled and see it'll also star another favorite of mine, Psylocke. Only problem is it's written by Charles Soule. She-Hulk is the only thing he's done that I liked.

I'm reading Wonder Woman monthly, one of the last books I'm still reading monthly in fact. It's not perfect and sometimes it's even a little meandering, but I don't mind because the tone and style remain relatively consistent throughout. The art is flipping gorgeous and it's just a pleasure to spend time with Diana