
So, in an effort to create perfect comment and commenter synergy I have to ask: is Rogue slated to be in any of the new X-Men books? Or is she still only in Uncanny Avengers? Is that book even still published?

LOVED Axis: Hobgoblin! The art is outrageously good.

When I was rereading 52 last week I started wishing even more that Waid would go back to DC. I think he could fit well with what DC's doing since Rebirth. No clue if it's even a possibility though, but like you said maybe that intro is a step in the right direction.

Are you reading Waid's Flash in the new trades? I'm very tempted to start collecting those. I've read parts of his run but not a lot. Maybe two of the arcs, Born to Run and…another that escapes me now.

Sounds like I need to check out GL/Space Ghost.

Me too :-(

Yeah, this week's issue 12 is the last!

Yeah, I've been tempted to get back into X-Men now with this soft reboot/relaunch/whatever it is thing Marvel's doing. But…I dunno. I held Prime in my hands this week and almost bought it, but I have so little confidence they can make the X-Men great again that I don't want to throw my money away. I think the smartest

I've said it before but Spider-Woman is my favorite ongoing right now but I'm reading it in trades. I switched from monthly after Hopeless's first volume ended. I hate waiting for the trades on this one but then once I have them I absolutely love blowing through 6 or 7 issues at a time. So, I can't read this review

Very good question. I went to college with him and I don't even find him funny!

I've heard some rumors about him over the years, that he's got some addictions, etc. I have no idea if they're even close to true, but if they are then that might go a long way to explaining, A, why he's not funny, and B, why he often looks miserable when he's not laughing hysterically at his guest's dumb jokes.

Bingo, you win. That's awesome casting. Now I'm actively pissed that a New Gods movie or series with Palicki as Barda is not actually happening.

I don't remember Scarlet Witch smiling at all in that film!

Lately it's been Coney Island Mermaid Pilsner, one of my perennial favorites.

Grant's run (across various Bat-books) is so good, and for such a long run it's also criminally underrated. He and Breyfogle were pure magic together, too.

I'll also add that even beyond DKR and Year One, it was a glorious time to be a Batman fan. For instance, Mike W. Barr wrote the hell out of Batman during the '80s, turning in some incredible stories and one of my all-time favorite runs for the character on Detective, with Alan Davis. Then you have Grant and Breyfogle

What he said.

Looks like there are fourteen issues of '80s Captain Britain on there but maybe they're not the ones written by Moore.

Nice! I think those issues are on Marvel Unlimited and I've been meaning to just read them there. So many comics to read, so little time!

Sadly, I haven't read any new comics in a few weeks. I have a short stack to work through though, plus more to pick up at my LCS next time I make it there. So I'm looking forward to that. I've just been reading trades and novels instead.