
Is that Captain Britain book a new collection? I thought that series had been collected but was long out of print? As a huge fan of '80s Excalibur, I'm dying to read it myself.

Okay that makes more sense. Maybe I'll try and snag #8 whenever I make it back to the LCS. I've really enjoyed the book, it's so dense and the art is just amazing (well duh, it's Jimenez!).

Comic book fans are always the enemy. So says a slew of comic book writers.

So, is his Super Powers backup being collected in its own trade at some point, or just in the Cave Carson collections?

Funny, I just reviewed Batman Forever over here.

Is Jimenez still on Superwoman? I stopped reading after the first arc kinda-sorta concluded (it still had a cliffhanger at the end, I believe). I might want to catch up in trade later. Wonder Woman's great, I'm an issue or two behind at the moment.

Smart move. Widow's done in a week I believe and I'm a few issues behind, so that'll last me for a bit. Spider-Woman, I'm reading in trades anyway.

I think once Spider-Woman and Black Widow finish their runs soon, I'm taking a timeout from Marvel. I'm just not feeling them beyond those two books.

Absolutely the stupidest. He took an admittedly low bar and just bashed it straight down through the floor. Now it's so low I doubt anyone else can even see or reach down to its level.

Ah, I used to love watching her show. Is she still on somewhere? Heck maybe I'll just go YouTube her right now.

Oh, how'd I forget about his Punisher run too! That was insane and I kind of loved it.

I like his Cap and Uncanny Avengers, although both started strong and then struggled a bit. I thought Uncanny Avengers regrouped nicely towards the end, but I enjoyed the overall wildly Claremontian tone of that entire series. But yeah, I think Uncanny X-Force is his best, at least at Marvel. I haven't read a lot of

No, argh! I need to do that soon.

Regarding Uncanny X-Force collections: do it! That's such a fantastic series! Now I want to reread it too.

You are correct!

"…goes horribly wrong for everybody."

And they're both super rich with trusty butlers. But yeah, beyond the superficial stuff they're quite different. A thing I've noticed over my years as a comics nerd, fans love to call someone "Marvel's Batman."

After seeing Logan I've been on a Wolverine kick! I reread Weapon X for the first time in ages (still great) and now I'm deep into Lethal Larry Hama's '90s run on Wolverine. It's fantastic! The first trade included some annuals too, so the artists were Marc Silvestri, Alan Davis, and Mike Mignola. Top notch stuff.

Absolutely. My contempt for the boomers only grows with each passing year, and it was already plenty big twenty years ago.

Spider-Woman is the best.