
Where do you stand on the "Moon Knight is Batman" opinion? I can remember an old Comics Journal illustration by Bill Sienkiewicz of Moon Knight shoving Batman aside and calling him an old timer or something like that.

And if Liefeld were here he'd say, "'Angsty She-Hulk is still something that we don't need, like "more feet."

Duuuuuude, he's not Batman!

Yeah I'm commenting less lately for a number of reasons, but the comments fuckery is definitely contributing to it.

I like to pretend she is Jen though, not gonna lie.

And I would argue with you on that (Daredevil rules) but that's my basic opinion about Hawkeye. So there you go.

My sentiments exactly. I guess this is for the next generation of She-Hulk fans, not us?

I'm a big Shulkie fan (both the character and AV Club comments regular!) and, like you, I'm not keen on this tonal shift for her. I'll probably check it out as it pops up on Unlimited later but I'm not expecting much.

My friend and I still say "Furley face" when we see anything that remotely resembles the crazy over the top faces he used to pull on Three's Company.

I was one of those kids watching in the early 80s. Even though it was basically sexless, it was still pretty raunchy. Hilariously so, though. Between this, Taxi, Nigh Court, WKRP, and Bosom Buddies, it's no surprise I grew up to be one wise-ass sarcastic adult.

Sounds like I made the right choice avoiding IvX, then. I just read Comics Alliances' review of the last issue. Ugh. That Emma storyline is atrocious.

I'm finding that the biweekly setup is harder for me to keep track of. I'm already scattered and running frantically about my own life on a daily basis, trying to make sense of it all. So honestly I just haven't been checking things around here as much since the biweekly shift because it's just more work for me. Then

Must. Find. Slash. Maraud. NOW!

Agreed. Although you could've stopped at "Kristy Swanson in 90s neon lycra" and I'd have been just fine with that, too.

Ah, the glorious neon and DayGlo insanity that was early '90s fashion.

Seriously, you have a fan club. I'm in it. ;-)

Never! I have a bunch and plan to keep wearing them well into my dotage.

I saw it Friday afternoon and I'm still overwhelmed by the experience. It really hit me right in the feels. I loved how it stood alone and apart from the convoluted continuity of the last seventeen years of X-Men movies but at the same time it packed such a powerful punch partly because we've invested so much time in

You've hit on my biggest complaint with X-Men films, which is how poorly they misunderstand the importance of the X-women. They're such rich characters. Kitty, Rogue, and Storm especially deserve so much better than what they've gotten from their inclusion in these films.