
No clue. The X-Men movie continuity is so messed up that I just left it all behind when I watched Logan because the movie didn't seem beholden to any (or at least not much) of that crazy continuity.

The comics were faked for the movie in order to be the inspiration for the Eden narrative. They were made to look like '80s or '90s era X-Men comics.

He's a good director. I haven't seen all of his films but 3:10 to Yuma and Cop Land are terrific, so I had high hopes heading into The Wolverine. I loved the first half of that movie but then felt like things went off the rails because he had to incorporate in way too much stuff in the film's back half.

This list needs 100% more X-Men, specifically Kitty as influence for Buffy.

Seconded on the Nitro recommendation. Tasty stuff.

That's a good stout, for sure.

He's the Mango Mussolini!

Yeah I just lost all respect for him after that. His response is pitiful, truly.

He's only been in office for under two months. Us crazy progressives can keep this up for a long time, trust me.

You're doing that thing all of the Cheeto's supporters do by reducing valid arguments by calling them unsubstantial and also evading the issue of actual things the man says or does. Certainly politicians use people to further their own means all the time. That doesn't require being pointed out. What I pointed out was

He's got moxie!

I'm most disheartened by the fact that so many pundits declared it a success or fawned all over him for finally sounding presidential. The bar had been set so low that this qualifies for a success to these idiots. The first paragraph here hits the nail on the head: the content of his speech matters more than the tone

The two you noted are definitely on my list, plus I'd add:

I remember hearing something (can't find it now) at the time that Marvel got some push-back about a white dude writing that series about Blade's daughter. Not sure if it's true or not, but the series just quietly disappeared before it ever came to fruition.

That's true, he doesn't seem to have long runs on books.

I think Sook is great but seems to fly under the radar most of the time. I love his style, especially when applied to the DC pantheon.

I love the Flash and Green Lantern strips (well, from what I've read of them), too. The Kamandi one looks awesome too.

I like what I've seen on Ron Wemberly's art. I remember not liking his two-issue fill-in on She-Hulk a few years ago but everything else I've seen by him I love.

So, I splurged and finally ordered the Wednesday Comics hardcover the other day. I've had the newspaper issues for years but still only read the first four or five of them. That's strictly because the newspaper format is so damn cumbersome I never wanted to bother! I know the hardcover is a large trim size but I still

How's Detective holding up, Mister S? I dropped it after the first ten issues to save cash but I kind of miss it.