
Shoot, I think I have a new celebrity crush. She's talented and she's hilarious and she's super cute and she's smoking hot?

Do you mean the '80s GL Corps? That's part of Englehart's run, right? I've read all of that and loved the hell out of '80s GL books.

God that was depressing/infuriating/revolting to see in one mashup.

You nailed it. That's another thing, his constant whining about wanting softball questions only - "Not nice!" Fuck you, you fucking orange turd face.

Seriously! He needs to stop saying that bullshit at every single damn presser or event he speaks at. It's a fucking joke and I can't believe his dip shit followers can't see through it.

Agreed. I can pick up the slack for short bursts but honestly I'm not built to do it regularly like PG and Asa did. Kudos to them, but I just don't have the energy to be that prolific here—or anywhere! I'm stretched thin enough.

What name was he using? I think I missed that or it flew right over my head.

Yeah I prefer my GL stories in space too. But like I said, I'm willing to see where this one goes because I've gotten hooked on the characters.

I just read the first trade of GLs a few weeks ago and enjoyed it. It was definitely too long of an arc for the story it was telling but I didn't hate the art like others did, plus I thought it improved as it went along. Definitely left me excited for the next trade. Jessica is fast becoming one of my favorite newer

I can't fathoom what y'all are talking about.

I agree that Lake's motivations were unclear and that definitely threw me over the course of that last trade, especially.

I read Velvet in trades, as each one was released, and felt much the same way. It was the most enjoyable book I read during that stretch and easily one of my favorites overall in recent memory. I'll have to do a straight reread too and look out for some of the points Zissou made.

Thanks! I do remember it now! Great job, man.

Mad respect for working so damn hard at that, dude! Can you share a link to the comic? I think you have before and I feel like I read it, but I want to check it out (again)!

Same here. Writing and drawing are my two biggest passions and I waffle back and forth over which one I think I'm better at. Then when I see beautiful work like this I feel like I suck at both!

But of course!

Oh, absolutely. What might have been…

Crud. Well they usually have plenty of new issues in stock so I'll see what's up next time I'm there.

I've been busy as can be, which is good but also exhausting. Also been fighting a low level cold for awhile. Totally overwhelmed with work, trying to just breathe!

Like Winona Ryder, she will always be symbolic of a certain kind of '90s woman that I think back on very fondly. For that I'm eternally grateful to her.