
After all, he's given us NO reason whatsoever to doubt him.

Carson mostly looks like he's in shell shock at the whole thing. Dude knows he's in over his head. DeVos looks like a deer in headlights too but she's doing her best to bring the fucking crazy anyway.

Damn! I need to go follow him on Instagram and Twitter, pronto.

Deciding to spend the day watching Margot Robbie is a much saner choice than choosing to spend it watching that fuckwad being inaugurated.

Don't worry, I'm always out to lunch it seems when the reasonable discussions go up. By the time I get back there are usually 400 comments already.

It's worth the drive! Do it!

Cooooool, I'll have to poke around for that interview!

I still can't handle it. It doesn't get any easier every day the more the fucker tweets and his cabinet appointments make total asses out of themselves during the hearings.

We made Moscow Mules at home recently for the same reason. Nostravia!

As stated up above, Divinyls. I've been on a serious binge listen with them lately. I knew some of their songs besides "I Touch Myself" before but I'm absolutely blown away at the high quality of their work. Chrissy Amphlett had a fantastic voice too, very unique.

Just started Chabon's new one, Moonglow the other night. Relishing every word so far.

I do too! I know so few people who have seen it, let alone like it. I need better friends, clearly. Such a great flick.

"Shattered" is so fucking good. Some Girls is probably my favorite Stones album, truth be told.

Just went out to lunch for a coworker's birthday and had banh mi. Mmmmmmm.


Do it! Deep dive! Their early new wave stuff is ridiculously catchy, but I've loved nearly everything I've ever heard by them.

Hey, I'm "Only Lonely," okay?

Loved the show growing up. The reruns are a huge reason why I got into Batman and comics in general. Still love the show today, plus the comics have been outstanding. I still need to see the recent animated movie, can't wait.

Sorry, I just fainted. I'm back now.

This is a helluva good idea.