
I'm now officially obsessed with the music of Divinyls.

Garlic naaaaaaaaaaaaaan, mmmmmmmmmmm.

Ugh I know. That movie costume is ATROCIOUS.

Absolutely it's great to have so many awesome choices from DC's back catalog to choose from now!

I'm so tempted to start buying the Waid Flash tpbs now that they've released the first. I've read the issues collected in that one, plus a few other arcs of the run as well, years ago though. It'd be mighty nice to own the entire thing. My only hesitation is cost and storage - wasn't Waid's run somewhere around 100

Definitely read all of the run leading up to it. I'd only read the first twenty or so issues of the run before and then resumed with the new trades DC's putting out. It's been a blast. Things just keep building, sometimes at a relaxed pace, over the course of the run. So I can only imagine the impact it had on readers

If I can get a copy of March in time I'd be down with that one too.

Thanks, you answered the question about the follow-up series I forgot to ask. This one was just so damn fun! I love finding a good, done-in-one trade collecting one story. Phantom Lady was a hoot, I'd like to see more of the Stormy Knight character but I think I read on Wikipedia she retired at some point. And Uncle

Just wanted to drop into this conversation to say that your blog is one of the very best on the internet, IMHO. I don't get to read it every week but I make an effort to drop in and catch up whenever I can. You're one of a handful of bloggers that inspired me to start my own blog a few years back. Thanks for writing,

Yeah, I hate sounding like the "get off my lawn" guy but I really don't care for the Flash costume redesign of recent years, including all of those speed force lines and nonsense constantly being used. I miss his old, clean look. He always had one of the very best superhero costumes, why bother tweaking it?

I need to read March also, but I can tell you that yes you should also grab Black Magick! So good!

Still didn't get to my stack of new issues from Wednesday, but I did manage to read the Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters trade collecting the eight issue mini from Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Daniel Acuna. I picked it up on a lark from a discount bin. It was a blast! I don't have a lot of experience with these

I've been curious about the new Flash series. Any fans of it here? I might pick up the first trade.

I've really liked Bucky so I'm happy to read more of him. And I'd forgotten Samnee was involved! That's enticing.

Agreed, the consistent mood created by the artists over the first several years was a big plus for me too. It fits perfectly with Brubaker's words and plots. And yeah, ha, I definitely knew Steve gets the title back. I'm hit and miss with McNiven. Seeing his name on a book never sells me on it, that's for sure.

Wow on that Hitch story. I have to admit that the art on the entire run isn't the best, IMHO. It's weird because I love Steve Epting, especially on Velvet, but I didn't think he was nearly as sharp here on Cap. Although I really liked his version of Sharon Carter a lot. He does spy women very well, apparently.

The Existential Trump Dread grabs hold of me every day, often several times per day. It's getting exhausting.

Happy birthday, Mikey!

Sorry about the bus card but that's great about everything else. Bringing home a cat is nerve wracking for sure. Ours adjusted pretty quickly, thankfully, but we didn't have a dog in the mix.

I'd like to read New Super-Man when the trade comes out.