
I've been blogging about the '90s lately, think I might have to write about this film and soundtrack and they're impact on my friends and me back then. It was pretty big for most of us then, it seemed.

We got pissed about the weirdest shit in the '90s, didn't we?

Absolutely Peak Bridget here. This is the movie that started my decade-long crush on her.

Mister S! How's it hanging, friend?

Thanks, friend. I took a break during my week off so I missed the sporadic news updates around here.

I finally read A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. I've been circling this book since it was published. I've read long passages from it in various bookstores over the years. I've read my share of The Believer and some of Dave Eggers' other work. Yet I'd always avoided reading this one. I think I was worried

You will, trust me.

Fucking hell. This hurts like a motherfucker. Probably my first crush, definitely the first badass woman I saw in film at that young age. A talented writer with acerbic wit. A mental health champion for decades. My god this really sucks.

She sure could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch, though.

A bottle of Pinot Noir!

Stop being so reasonable.

Thanks, my good man. Drink all the eggnog!

I just participated in my office's holiday gift swap & steal. My contribution was The Secret Loves of Geek Girls:

I miss clean comic book art, most definitely. But Luke McDonnell in Suicide Squad was just not to my liking. I remember the book as a kid and even then I was put off by his art.

Close to the Edge is so damn good. I'm not a big prog fan but I absolutely love that string of albums from Yes in the early 1970s.

Sadly I didn't get around to securing a copy of this one and as I've never read it before I'll have to abstain from this discussion. I will read it one day and report back to you!

Thanks for your work on the GN Club, buddy. Happy holidays to you and your family.

I'm trying to read Ostrander's run right now and the art is so boring I can't stand it. That's one thing that could have been improved upon, that's for sure. Ostrander did some great work with the book but I doubt I'll stick with it past the first volume because I cannot abide dozens of more issues of that art.

Went back and reread the first few issues of his Cap run yesterday and now I'm hooked. Up to issue #9 today. Loving it, looking forward to seeing where it goes next!