
I'm sooooooo tempted to get the new tpb now!

Thanks, friend!

Do you know what the Ray Dillon reference is all about?

Man, I hate when life gets in the way of our time here! Stop by when you can, we're always happy to have you around.

I'm having problems with it too. It's not updating notifications for me. Pain in the assssss.

Cool, thanks. I read his Catwoman run with Darwyn Cooke and maybe a bit after Cooke left too, can't remember now. I definitely want to pick up all of his Catwoman volumes at some point.

Nice. Fatale's been on my radar for a while, I need to get on that.

I was about to post that this was a rough week for Diana.

It was just a pleasure to live inside her world. I'm not even the biggest spy genre fan but I love it when it's done well and this was done very well.

Okay, thanks. I think I'm going to drop out of the run at this point, or at least after I finish the last two issues of the first volume.

I was all over the map this week, really busy and too easily distracted to focus on one thing for long. But I did manage to do some comics reading, some I loved and some I didn't. Also I didn't make it to the LCS this week and likely won't until after Christmas. Just too busy.

Same here. 100 Bullets left me feeling flat but dammit I do love Risso's work. I'm excited to check out Dark Night at some point.

I was so annoyed because I had JUST bought the black and white Marvel Horror Essentials collecting all of those Son of Satan stories when Marvel then announced this full-color reprint tpb. Argh! I might have to upgrade, but this Essentials also contains all of the Satana stories from the '70s too. Although I still

How was Rucka's Batman? I want to read that one day.

Twin Peaks! And my goodness did I love it, too. I'd seen a few episodes when it aired, but I was a kid and didn't quite grasp it. I did however used to quote Kyle MacLachlan's "Damn fine cup of coffee!" line with friends. So finally seeing it all was long overdue. There was so much to love. It's pacing was so strange

You're rusty, you haven't been here in a while, it's understandable.

Ha, that must have been Mister Splendiferous. But I'm sending you a Christmas card in spirit!

Marguerite Bennett would be an interesting choice that I'd like to see.

Hard to pick just one so I won't!

Power Girl sighting!