
I just finished the first Power Man & Iron Fist Epic last week. It was glorious, I definitely want to continue the run.

Yes, that was him! He did the "Dark Knight Dark City" story with Peter Milligan in Batman. That was fantastic. And he was John Byrne's stepson, weirdly enough.

Yeah looks like I'm only one issue behind then, then #5 is out this week. I'm considering continuing with it.

Wow, Kieron Dwyer. Blast from the past. I loved him on Captain America back in the day.

You're rocking along! How's winter in MN so far? I know I know, it's technically not winter yet, but there have been some storms around the country already.

I have my eye on a few of them, the prices seem very reasonable. Rebirth has gotten me more into current DC than I've been in years.

Just read this interview with Rob Williams about the Rebirth series. Love this quote, definitely makes me think I'll like it:

Thanks! I just checked Amazon, the first trade won't be out until March. Geeeez that's a long wait.

Comixology has a Justice League and Suicide Squad sale right now and Ostrander's first four Squad trades are available for $5.99 each. That's the price I scooped up the first trade for a while back, still only halfway done with it. I'm tempted to pick up the rest in this sale…

Okay so I'm not the only one who was less than enthused about the brotherly relationship in this new iteration of the character? It's the hook of ht series, and I read a few issues of the previous run plus one or two of the Secret Wars tie-in and was just not feeling it, either.

I'm guessing he didn't last that long, then. Davis never seems to pencil more than a handful of a book in a row, then moves on to something else. Notable exceptions exist, of course, including his epic run on Excalibur.

Same here, I'm loving this series! Guys like Priest, old school guys, have adapted their writing style to modern comics but still give you a lot of bang for your buck with every issue.

Have you read the Iron Fist/Wolverine miniseries from the '90s? It's on Marvel Unlimited and I'm mighty tempted.

Wonder Woman #11. I'm still loving this series, even if there isn't exactly a lot happening in any given issue. Liam Sharp's art is impressive as hell. I let him know that on Twitter and he replied kindly!

Does Alan Davis draw that Kang story? Because I love Davis and would check it out just for that reason.

I've wanted those Fletcher Hanks collections for a while, might have to jump on this complete collection. His stuff is truly bizarre.

Agreed. She seems neutered now, dull, lifeless. This change zapped the character of everything that made her a fan favorite. That said, I'm sure we're building towards the moment where she returns to form and annihilates a bunch of saviors. You know it's coming, but that doesn't make her current story any more

Ah, totally missed that, thanks.

Where was Negan hiding that giant knife he used to gut Spencer? I didn't notice him pick it up. Was it just lying on the pool table? Weird.

Evanier worked for Kirby and was close to the family so he's definitely pro-Kirby. I still haven't read the entire book - it's big and full of amazing art (both selected from his comics bibliography and sketches and penciled pages), so I've mostly been distracted by the awesome art. One of these days I plan to sit