
I dropped Detective due to financial reasons. I was enjoying the book and might hop back on in trade form. I'm on board with All-Star as long as I'm into the artists Snyder's bringing in. I feel like this first arc with JR Jr. will read better once it's over and I do a reread straight through.

Definitely. I'm thinking of starting to collect the Shadow of the Bat trades, now that you mention it. I only read them occasionally (usually loved what I read). These trades are priced well, too. I do still own the first few story arcs of Shadow and they were fantastic. I recently picked up a stray issue of the run,

I was raised on Denny O'Neil, Mike Barr, Steve Englehart, Alan Grant, and Doug Moench Batman. Most others fail by comparison to me.

Morrison's Batman run is the best Batman of recent times, IMO. He did a masterful job of just what you said, weaving in the silly elements and making them work.

Finished the first Power Man and Iron Fist Epic Collection. Between that, the Iron Fist Epic Collection and the entirety of Luke Cage: Hero for Hire I've just completed somewhere between 65-70 issues of pure, solid gold '70s Marvel bronze age awesomeness. Of all these issues the only ones I'd read before were the Iron

I haven't read King's Batman yet but have my eye on the first trade. The chatter about it seems quite polarizing so I'm really not sure where I'll land on it once I finally read it.

And congrats on Enough Space!

Right?!? I keep catching myself stopping and just gawking at the majesty of it all. I rearranged some furniture in the room and placed our nicest shorter two-shelf bookcase next to the new one. It's a thing of beauty, as you say.

Got a new bookcase, a biggie, and I'm way too excited about this. It's tall, five shelves, and looks glorious showcasing a good chunk of our books. We still have others all over the place and in some smaller bookcases, but this really helped consolidate things nicely. I took a day off this week to do errands and house

Becca, I read Ham on Rye for the first time this year too! A gripping read, equal parts funny and sad.

I'd be happy to lend a hand if she needed help with that.

FFBMB must be stopped.

Bro, bro, bro.

Sign me up for that, too.

I see him now - he's hiding in Medusa's hair!!

You hipster, you.

You are not alone. I really enjoyed Kate in that book and liked Aja's art quite a bit. Otherwise I was mostly bored. Fraction's Clint felt like a different character altogether, sometimes.

I need to give Slott's run another shot. I started it a long time ago and put it aside because it just wasn't grabbing me. But I do plan to get back to it one day. I liked Soule's run.

Yeah I spent far too long looking at that cover looking for a Hawkeye to be somewhere on it.