
It does raise interesting questions. Do superheroes wear underwear (on the inside, that is)? I mean, she can't be with this costume, right? Is VPL a thing that concerns the superhero set?

And that Marguerite Sauvage cover is so very nice!

He said, “Médoc? Oh that’s a red wine, I was probably drinking that at the time. ‘Are you here?’ I don’t know… I was wondering where the wine was. The vines are moving under the rug? I probably looked down and there were probably vines on the rug.” And it was very amusing to me.

Geez 2016, stop it already.

I agree on Emily, I loved her more here than I ever did during the series. She was fantastic and her story arc was well earned. Kelly Bishop, no matter whether I liked Emily or not over the years, has always been nothing short of perfect in the role. Heck, we aren't supposed to like Emily, at least not consistently.

Ugh, it was distracting it was so hideous.

Good question, I know nothing about her background either!


Can we also get a shout-out for Lane here? My goodness, was any major supporting character more ignored than her in this revival? I mean, Jess was way underused also, but he at least got some fantastic scenes (meeting with Rory and the diner Wi-Fi scenes were classic Jess). Lane got NOTHING. She had maybe one moment

I think ASP must want us to like them, but holy hell do I hate them too. They represent everything that makes me queasy about Logan and his privilege. Plus, in the revival, their ten or fifteen minute scene should have gone towards more screen time for Lane! Or Jess! Or Paris!

I literally yelled at the TV, "What the fuck?!?" during that scene. It was bizarre and certainly contributed to my thinking that both Rory and Lorelai were the worst in this revival.

I'll amend my "douche" comment and just call Logan a dick, like Jess did back when he and Rory had dinner with Logan. Ha!

Yeah it was particularly glaring when Rory told Lorelai about her affair with Logan and Lorelai didn't say much, really. I think every viewer was thinking of the infamous Dean affair and Lorelai's fucking fantastic response to that. So this just felt like, wha?? I realize Rory's an adult now and the circumstances are


I think the thing that drives Jess and Rorry shippers (or, in my case, just fans of Jess - you're right he's way too good for Rory) crazy is that Logan is a major douche. If you compare them as adults, Jess seems like a far better option to want to hang with or date or whatever. Logan is engaged and Rory is carrying

It's a big stretch to say Jess always looked down at Rory. He was a kid from a broken home with basically only his bag and the items in it to his name. He wasn't impressed by Rory's pedigree or the privileges they afforded her, but he loved her. Still does, as it seems clear from the revival. He believes in her always


Yup and it was good. Check it out.

I will order this from the Chinese takeout place near me tonight in his honor. RIP, my good man.

Yes I remember that story! Wow, I love that book. I bought it for my friend while I was reading it because I knew he'd love it as much as I did.