
It seems like I bought the first issue so long ago I'd forgotten about this. I wasn't blown away by that issue but it was suitably creepy Gothic horror enough for me to want to continue. It's only three issues and the art is beautiful.

Yeah especially in light of how snide the series' tone was towards therapy in general back in the original run.

Thank you! I write other reviews there of similarly cult classic movies, if you're interested. Black Christmas is up next, should post sometime early this month.

You know, I've been a big fan of Graham's forever but I when they were head to head here I think you're right, Foster really stole the spotlight from her.

The last one is excellent…to a point. We can't say anymore here for fear of spoilers.

Yes, this!

Reading his Daredevil was a real slog for me. I think that run is highly overrated.

I'm with you, Gwen. Jess all the way. I've enumerated my reasons before so I won't bore everyone again. I'm seriously dumbfounded at people's affection for Logan, though.

Yes, yes you do. Do it now! I saw it as a kid and it didn't leave a big impression on me, but I watched again this Halloween season and I absolutely loved it.

Good question, I don't know!

Really? I searched the other day and didn't find it. I'll give it another shot later.

Oh yeah, Kot was in there! Along with a few others that made me scratch my head a bit too. I was really glad to see how candid most of the major players were, like Liefeld, McFarlane, and Silvestri. Jim Lee is either the easiest going guy in the world or he's hiding some secret mean streak very well.

Exactly how I felt about his entire X-Men run…and now that you mention it everything else I've read by him too!

Noooooooooooooooooo. And here's where I insert the obligatory "Fuck you, 2016."

Which ones?

Not old, just smart! Seriously, those were action-packed comics back then. One of the biggest reasons I don't want to buy many monthlies anymore is that you're getting very little per issue for the price. That's why I'm really digging these big fat collections of older stuff right now.

I didn't know Jean was the focal point of Season One. Now I really want to read it. I'll be on the lookout for it cheap, now.

I really liked Morrison's treatment of her and the Jean-Scott-Emma triangle during that run. I also was surprised to enjoy the "Trial of Jean Grey" story by Fan Favorite Brian Michael Bendis from a few years back. It's not a classic or anything, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I'm not that jazzed overall by teen Jean

Okay, thanks. I do want to read this series! It just feels like it's never the right time for me because I think about all of those word balloons and boxes and I just go hell no, not now.

I'm kind of intimidated to start the Busiek and Perez Avengers run. I did, last year on Unlimited, and the first couple of issues seemed so excessively overwritten to me that I had to put it aside. Is that pretty typical of the series, would you say?