
Yeah, I tend to hold up Identity Crisis as an example of what I don't want in my superhero books.

I'll be curious to hear what recommendations people submit. Deathstroke's always been a periphery character for me but lately I've become more interested in him, too. That's mostly due to reading the current Christopher Priest series and loving it.

That's true about their being jungled up, I forgot that. I've really enjoyed reading comics on my iPad the last few years. I have quite a few unread comics I picked up through Comixology sales - I really need to set aside time to plow through those. Mostly I read digital through Marvel Unlimited lately.

I've never read Superman Red Son and I know it's revered, so I'm down with that if I can find a copy at the library.

Nice, thanks. I've read some Delaney in the past and love his work. I have Dhalgren at home, just staring at me, tempting me to dive in and read it. It's mammoth!

Dumb question, but I typically read my digital comics on my iPad from Comixology. I do however use my wife's Kindle account (through the Kindle app on my iPad) to read books. So I can download this, for example, and read it through that app also, right?

That's interesting because that run has been held up as the high-water mark for the character for as long as I can remember. I've never read it but my LCS guy raved about it when it came out in an Epic Collection recently. I plan to read it one of these days.

What Afrofuturistic works (outside comics) would you recommend? I came into possession of this book a year ago and have only perused it so far, but I'd like to explore more.

I hear ya. I keep thinking that one day when the kids are old enough to appreciate it, I'll plan a NYCC day for us. Mostly just to see the looks on their faces at all the cosplayers and whatnot.

Please do!

IIRC it's an anthology series? Or am I way off on that?

Yeah it's the full-on Priest experience. I'm digging it, for sure.

I dropped it after being bored with the first issue, so I got nothin' for ya, brother.

Hmmm, sounds like I need to look for this one in a trade, then.

We talked about a bunch of stuff, including my job in publishing, so that might've been a reason. He seemed genuinely interested. And he was very accommodating of my questions.

Did I tell you I met Starlin in a movie theater in Rhinebeck, NY? Must've been in 2014, I think. We wound up talking for about ten minutes. He was cool and funny.

I'm intrigued by Jessica and Simon and definitely want to check out Green Lanterns in trade. I need a good shot of GL space opera goodness and I'm hoping that book will fit the bill.

So, what's everybody reading this week?

"the still-current Civil War II"

Wait, Satana is in the Aaron Doctor Strange?? I need to check that out.