
I'm torn between whether I love Manapul's art or think it's just okay. Same thing with Albuquerque.

"That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age."

She's in Detective Comics right now, or she was (I read the first six or so issues of that series). She goes by Orphan.

You old softy, you.

The Left of Hand of Darkness. This is a reread but the only other time was in college and it perplexed me back then. It also fascinated and haunted me so I'm glad I finally picked up another copy (I lost my old copy years ago). It's terrific, I'm fully absorbed into the world Le Guin's painting here.

Okay I thought so but he seemed taller than I recall Milo being so it threw me. And Luke was on the left so I'm sure it must be Jess.

Who is Rory shaking excitedly at the 1:44 mark??

You and me both. If DC did that I'd have a ball sifting through their new stuff and their back catalog.

I'm so fucking depressed over all of this and every time this asshole tweets something else like this I lose my mind all over again. Seriously, our president-elect is spending an inordinate amount of time tweeting and watching SNL. For fuck sake we're all doomed.

Thanks, friend.

Those Alan Brennert Batman stories are wonderful. The one with Bruce and Selina on Earth-2 is absolutely amazing and one of my fave Batman stories. I already had several of these issues but I had to buy that recent hardcover collection too. Having them all in one book was too good to pass up.

That Claremont and Miller miniseries is one of my faves. They really caught lightning in a bottle with those four issues.

Exactly. Claremont and Davis Excalibur? Awesome. Davis on his own Excalibur? Also awesome. Lobdell Excalibur? Not anywhere close to awesome. Sucky, as you said.

Those are all great Kitty stories, obviously. She's so good in DoFP. That single issue Christmas story is fantastic, too.

Yeah I think I played it online maybe five years ago with an emulator but I couldn't save any of my progress. Or at least I couldn't figure out how to. Emulators are a bit of a mystery to me.

I would start at the beginning with "The Sword is Drawn," which I believe has been collected in trade a few times previously. If you want to wait (which I know can be difficult to do!) you could pre-order this Epic Collection edition coming out in March. Looks like it has the first 11 issues plus a few others from

I know! It's perplexing.

Movie Quicksilver is unlike any Quicksilver I've ever read in the comics. You're right, he was usually humorless, and even in the current Uncanny Avengers he's pretty dull.

That was interesting and reminded me of something else I did like, which was Jean's awesome Phoenix moment at the end. That was pretty badass when she walked on air. and went Phoenix full-on Phoenix.

I also highly recommend that Excalibur run. It's soooooooo good and a great showcase for Kitty. God I loved that book.