
That's a huge part of why I'm having a real hard time "giving him a chance" because in my mind that equates to condoning his rhetoric (whether he means it or not, it's dangerous) and the bigots he's not only paling around with but is also giving jobs in his administration.

This week I only read last week's issue of Wonder Woman (great) and, um, that's it for new comics. I still have the new issues of Deathstroke and All-Star Batman to read, though.

Ooh I love this, I'll play:

He is seriously good as Magneto in this films. I'm riveted by him in any scene he's in, even if he's just standing still and seething.

I'm doing Preacher!

You know, I tend to enjoy some part or parts of every superhero movie also, so you are not alone! I even liked Suicide Squad and I don't know anyone who liked that movie!


I would add to that: total waste of interesting characters like Storm and Psylocke, which points to the movie series' tendency to downplay or marginalize the female characters. The fact that X-Men comics historically have had the best, most kick-ass female characters in comics, makes this even more glaring every time

It was soooooo stupid.

I'd say yes, that counts.

Yes of course, I bet most sane people hope he'll be a good president. I haven't see any evidence that's going to happen though. Not during the campaign and not since. Dude seems clearly in over his head and the people he's appointing are really reprehensible and/or bad matches with the positions he's appointing them

From what I've seen online this week, the first Rebirth trades look pretty reasonably priced. I think most are priced around 16 bucks maybe? So it might be affordable and relatively easy to catch up.

For the most part the people I see saying it mean, "Let's stand by him no matter what because he's our president." That sort of crap.

Same here. One of my best friends who immigrated here from Colombia as a kid texted me last week "I hope we can still eat at the same table together in Trump's America." She's genuinely scared and disturbed at his rhetoric and how it might make others treat her and her family. Understandably.

I just dropped Detective last week but that's because I'm trying really hard to buy fewer monthlies. I enjoyed those first 6 or 7 issues - minus the Monster Men ones because I wasn't reading that crossover anywhere else.

Not comics but close: Um, hey you guys I finally saw X-Men: Apocalypse last night and I need to vent to someone about how stupid it was.

This raises an interesting question: what Rebirth titles are you all considering sampling in trades? My short list:

At several points every day I get hit with these waves of anger at stuff I'm reading and seeing right now. The "let's give Trump a chance" one is really burning me this week.

Yeah I want that image as a poster too. What a terrific, iconic Black Canary picture that is.

Doing okay, thanks for asking. Still feeling sluggish since the election and not making a lot of headway on anything in particular. My comics reading has really slowed down these past two weeks. I think I'm just so tired at night that it's hard to read more than an issue or two at a time. Plus I'm rereading The Left