
There are so many things right now related to this election that are enraging me, but that might be the top one at this very moment. The aggressive normalization going on right now is astounding. It's also infuriating and depressing and appalling. Bannon is not simply a "provocateur" as I believe the NY Times called

Dude. I love those Self Pollution Radio recordings. The band was on fire during those sessions.

Ryan Adams & the Cardinals - Cobwebs
PJ Harvey - You Come Through
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps
Matthew Sweet - Sick of Myself
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers - Walls
Dum Dum Girls - Heartbeat
Paul Westerberg - Waiting for Somebody

Wonder Woman #10. I'm just loving that series so damn much. I definitely recommend that.

A friend needed an illustration of a superhero - she's selling homemade pasta sauce to benefit cancer research and wanted a superhero design for the label. I illustrated something for her and was happy with the results. It was a tremendous project to work on last week while trying to make sense of the election. It

For me, High Life needs to be #1 on this list. No question.

I hadn't known that about him. I do like his work for the most part but I would never list him as an artist I gravitate towards.

And interestingly enough last night I just read a thread of comments on Gail Simone's FB page where Ethan Van Sciver was getting into it with people about the election and politics. Then I saw elsewhere that he's gone on some Twitter rants (I don't follow him) since the election, mostly to the effect of "Grow up, stop

Dude. Thank you for that. Now I want to get together for beers and share NICU stories. And of course talk a little comics too.

And just to offer a more soothing story in the midst of all of this craziness, when I stopped by my LCS yesterday I wound up getting into a really good and thoughtful conversation with the LCS guy. I've gotten to know him over the years and he's really nice and one of those people that seems to believe in almost

To the blog post, you mean? Sure, here you go. Fair warning, I was taking all of the emotions that I didn't know how to handle over the last several years and working them all out through writing. It helped me to own them, instead of them owning me, that's for sure.

I don't hate it as much as W.S. Punk, but I don't really like it, either. For me it was just so off-putting and the tone of it all seemed wrong, that it was hard to get into it. Still, he's definitely playing around with some ideas and themes throughout his run. Let us know what you think!

Agreed for the most part. As a kid his run was unlike any Batman I'd read before, and I don't mean that in a good way. My reread just confirmed all the things I found so off putting about it. One in particular was how he wrote Jason as the most insufferable twerp, which he hadn't been up to that point. I've read since

I found a few of the issues a year or so ago in my longbox. I can't remember the stories now, but I believe they fell either during or just after Jim Starlin's run on Batman. I reread that for the first time since I bought the issues as a kid. Wow, that was a bizarrely disturbing run, leading to Jason Todd's death.

I heard the other day that another (unnamed in the post I read) creator called the Trump protesters "cry babies." I'm getting so tired of hearing that one. Those of us who are grieving are grieving for our entire , including those who think they voted in someone who's going to fix their problems.

Thanks so much for gathering together and sharing all of this. So much to unpack.

Oh god productivity is in the toilet for me too. And pretty soon (it not already) people are going to try and make it all better with their holiday cheer and I'm just not in the mood for that stuff right now.

I picked up the second of those two Batman issues yesterday. Really looking forward to it.

Eh, just so-so. Been in a bit of a stupor since Election Night. Also, lots of old memories - not good ones - have been swirling around in my head lately.