
On Friday Power Girl posted here that he wouldn't be commenting here anymore. He said he had some stuff going on that he didn't want to talk about, and that he just wanted to get offline.

I hear ya. Every night I think I'll read something and instead I wind up drafting blog posts or scrolling through my social media. It's not healthy, I know I need to put the phone down at some point.

Seriously. Last night out of nowhere I remembered that he'd quit Disqus. Definitely a bummer. I really hope he's okay and it all works out for him.

I could definitely go for a Rage (Red) Cupcake right about now.

Sounds like a lot of exciting stuff. I support getting a cat! They rock. We love ours.

Not much at all. I finished Matt Fraction's Defenders on Marvel Unlimited. That was a lot of fun, reminded me of the stuff I always enjoyed about Fraction's Marvel work. Of course, it was also a little too convoluted at times and I wish certain characters had more of a spotlight over the course of the run, but all in


Ugh, this movie gave me a massive headache. Maybe I need to revisit it, but I really don't want to.

Same here I'm keeping the trades too. I think I have Dark Phoenix in two or three different trades, including the first one Marvel put out in 1984. That's actually the book that made me an X-Men fan. I lost it years ago but got another copy off eBay not long ago. Had to have it, with that killer Bill Sienkiewicz

Awesome please do!

I finally read Death of Captain Marvel on Unlimited last year and it lived up to the hype. Loved it, would love to find a copy of the original Marvel Graphic Novel.

Way late to the party today and I can't stay long. I read:

Ooooh I have a copy of that original God Loves Man Kills graphic novel too and it's awesome. I have the story collected in one of the Uncanny X-Men omnibuses too, but I really do cherish that original graphic novel version. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful work from Anderson. And the story itself is a classic for a

So sorry to hear you're leaving. I hope things work out well for you, whatever the circumstances. Good luck shugah, and stay powerful.


I always look forward to your replies!

It seems like popular consensus has it down to either Vera Miles or Hussey from Black Christmas. In Hussey's case I think it's because in a lot of ways Black Christmas is the first slasher film and slashers became the domain of the final girl.

That's definitely a toss up between those three but the case can certainly be made for Crampton.

The pull itself is only four books at the moment - Black Widow, Wonder Woman, Detective, and Deathstroke. But for several months now I've been picking up every issue of Superwoman, Trinity, All-Star Batman, Doom Patrol, and…I think there's one more I'm blanking on. So each month, and with some of these being

Same here. I keep being tempted to sample new series - Doom Patrol, Trinity, Superwoman, All-Star Batman…it's getting out of hand.