
Major upvote for calling Diana "Wondy." I love that nickname and smile every time I use it or see someone else use it.

I noted on Tuesday all of the new comics I read in the last week. I didn't get a chance to read much else this week, unfortunately. I found that what I did read were just a few issues of old stuff on Marvel Unlimited. I picked back up with my Uncanny X-Men reread - read issues 245-247, I think. Also, for reasons I

Comments like these are not making me want to read King's Batman much. Most of what I read about it online seems lukewarm at best.

Glad things are settling in nicely at the new digs. And best of luck on OKCupid. I believe one of my good friends found her current guy on there and they're doing well together for a while now.

I like Stephen Strange for several reasons. He can be an asshole, he's intelligent, and his stories are always filled with the bizarre and, um, strange.

I mostly just glanced at it quickly but didn't look too closely. Crap it was $4.99??

Cool thanks!

Have you or anyone else read the first issue of the new Doctor Strange and the Sorcerer's Supreme? Is it any good? Worth checking out?


So sorry to hear this, but also extremely happy to hear you're regaining your independence. Stay strong.

Actually I was asking about Atwood!

Where do you recommend one start with Atwood? I've definitely read some of her short stories but I want to have a good book(s) recommendation from a fan!

Are you in the Horror Etc Podcast group on Spacebook? I just joined recently, still haven't gotten around to listening to any episodes of the show yet, but the group is a lot of fun so far. There were some spirited discussions of the Halloween films this week, appropriately.

I think I like Halloween 5 for one major reason: Tina! She's great. Okay, two reasons: Tina and Loomis, of course.

Thank you!

Brussels sprouts are my jam. I make them very similar to your recipe.

He's that good.

Oooooh great choice!

That's awesome!

You know what I'm reading currently!