
I heard some stories a week or two ago about Pope being drunk and harassing women at a con? Ugh. That depressed me.

I think I'm about to start The Left Hand of Darkness. I'm reading the intro right now. I read this book in college and it perplexed and haunted me in a way few books ever have. I've been meaning to revisit it for ages and then I read a phenomenal New Yorker profile of Ursula K. Le Guin a few weeks back and thought,

Now I'm picturing you juggling knives while furiously typing away in AVC comments sections!

This reminds me. We have this cute little Frankenstein's Monster stuffed toy that my 22 month old daughter spent most of October calling "Shankastan!" I give her mad props for trying to mimic and say it.

Dammit Steve!

I'd buy that!

I just finished reading the Azzarello/Chiang run and while I thoroughly enjoyed it, even loved it in parts, I would agree with you here. For what it was, I thought it was a good story. But within the larger framework of the DCU and Diana's own history and context, it's not likely to have a long lasting impact. And I'm

Will do. I even wrote her manager and he wrote back promptly and was cordial but said that all PR for the book goes through the licensee (her publisher). So, it seems like I've reached the logical end point of this story. I'm still strongly considering buying the book and writing about it anyway.

First of all, happy birthday now in case I forget to say it on Friday! Second, it sounds like you are settling in. A clean fridge is a thing of beauty, no doubt about it.

I second this recommendation and I also picked it up right after Cooke's death. It's terrific.

Did you also start reading the Claremont book from Sequart? I did and I'm about 100 pages in still, haven't had time to read it in the last week. I'm enjoying it so far.

A whole bunch this week.


Wow, I'm late to the party again, I bet everyone's already left!

That's one of my favorite single issues ever. And since I first read it I've wanted someone to give us at least a mini series set during that time when Jean Grey and Misty Knight were roommates. Come on, somebody do it!

Like Skippy Marmoset I vote Nextwave.

I'm down with Nextwave.

That ending scene did feel like a big jump for me too. I was caught off guard by it and a little confused.

Halloween is a damn perfect movie. I never tire of it!

Well I'm not going to read this article until I read The Vision. I'm either waiting for library trades or until Marvel Unlimited gets all the issues.