
I really like Moon Knight but haven't read it since Ellis left. I think I'll have to give Lemire's run a try at some point.

I'm not going to lie, I've done some lusting after Elvira, but I've always loved her much more in that same courtly way you describe. She's like the friend you wish you had, she'd always cheer you up when you were down. Most people don't seem to get this - "You just like her for her boobs!" Um, no. They're a nice

Ya know, I left that out by accident. I just followed up to let her know that my editor and I wanted the review to run before Halloween. Fingers crossed…

Yeah I tend to agree with you there.

It is a shame she can't still perform like she wants to. Oh man, she was absolutely beautiful back in her '70s glory. Stunning. I think her warmth really shined through in pictures and on stage, so that combined with her physical beauty make it impossible to ignore her.

Any time, shugah.

I loved that doc, found it totally engrossing, so I highly recommend it, too.


I would also choose The Shape. I do have a soft spot for werewolves also.

Argh, and I hate when things are unresolved! What a coupla losers we are.

That's awesome, good luck. Every time I draw something I pick it apart after, but the act of creating something like that is always such an amazing high, unlike anything else in my life. So kudos for keeping up with your art!

I've been writing, writing, writing. Drawing a bit less because of that but still trying to sketch a few times per week to keep the muscles fluid. But the writing has been great. A bunch of reviews of cult classic films for this cool cult movie site, The After Movie Diner, plus a bunch of stuff on comics, books, and

Happy birthday! That sounds like an awesome plan indeed.

You keep doing things like this that confirm my suspicions of you: you're a helluva swell guy!

I read the first two (or three?) trades of Hawkeye. I think I enjoyed the art from Aja and Wu more than the stories. I never finished the run after that but keep meaning to on Marvel Unlimited some day. Thing is, it left such an underwhelming taste that I haven't had any urgency to do so.

Shit, I need to get that.


Conundrum, need advice!

I'd love to, yeah!

Thank you! It was a labor of love. I started a post on my personal blog to link to it and that is quickly spiraling out of control and will likely be almost as long as this piece. Clearly, I can go on about Elvira!