
You're in for a treat then! WW and Deathstroke are my favorite DC books right now, easily.

The only downside to my acquiring these omnibuses is that I want to restart my reread of Claremont's run! I really think I'm going to do that at some point in the not too distant future. I would agree with your thoughts on the run moving from silver age style through more modern and darker styles too, and yes Mutant

I'm conflicted about the overarching Rebirth narrative and the way DC's line is now a strange hodgepodge of New 52 + pre-Flashpoint, but I'm hoping they smooth all of that out over time. The individual books I've read have been terrific, mostly, and each one tells its own story well enough that I don't need to worry

Agreed, sampling comics is something I hadn't done in a while, really, and DC's pricing has allowed me to do that again. I'm also excited about their Young Animal books, especially Doom Patrol and Cave Carson. This is going to get out of hand.

I forgot to pick up the second issues after enjoying the first. There are just way too many DC titles I'm interested in right now, neither my memory nor my wallet can keep up.

I bet they were reprinted in the Gene Colan Batman collection that came out a few years ago. I can't remember if he drew every issue though, so I'm not sure if it's the complete story in that collection.

He's a legend, for sure!

It's funny, I never consider Jim Lee a favorite artist of mine, but I do like to check out his work whenever he's on a book. That's the main reason I want to check out the new Suicide Squad. Think I'll wait for a trade though.

I used to read that story over and over as a kid; it was in the Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told. One of my favorites!

That's so true.


Anorexic women with big knockers, don't forget. Yeah, Campbell's recent stuff looks weird to me.

I've always loved Toth's work (and it brings the nostalgic feels for me because of Superfriends), but I've rarely read any of his actual comics beyond some Batman and Black Canary stories. I need to check the library, see if they have any collections.

I noted some of last week's purchases and reads on Friday—latest issues of Wonder Woman (loved it!) and Detective(thought it was just okay). Since then, the following:

Nice. That sounds like an intriguing mix of characters so far.

My wife commented, "If those are real, that's impressive." I nodded quietly in agreement, figuring it best I not seem too excitable about my agreement.

Only three episodes in but already falling under the sway of the series' tone and style. The opening barbershop scene with the guys arguing about basketball, and especially the '90s Knicks and Pat Riley, blew me away. So well done. I've been in conversations like that before, and especially related to those '90s

Exactly. I'm only three episodes in but already there is so much to unpack that I'm almost overwhelmed. In a good way, mind you. That's what I want out of this series, and so far it's delivering.

Wow, I really like that Tula Lotay variant! Where would I find more of her work?

It is weird how that happened, right? It's still a beautiful looking book too so I'm sure I'll drop back in later to see if it's worth following again.