
The entire run in one decently priced collection, how can you not?!

Oh I meant to ask: anyone pick up the new Black Panther Epic Collection? It's the famous Jungle Action run that I've heard great things about for ages. Priest seems to have respect for it and referenced it heavily during his run on Black Panther. The comics shop guy and I flipped through the book and it looks amazing.

I just wanted to share something awesome for my fellow art lovers in the audience. Kenneth Rocafort (Ultimates) posts daily sketches he keeps in a small sketchbook. They're stunning and one of my favorite recurring posts on Instagram or Tumblr. So check it out!

And they may want to reconsider letting Batman help raise their kid. Dude doesn't have a great track record playing daddy.

I'm really sorry to hear you're having such a difficult week, or several weeks. Sympathy upvote all the way. Hang in there.

Love Mandrake. He drew a lot of Batman when I was a kid so I love him mostly from that, but I picked up the first Spectre trade several years ago and hot damn was it great. His work on that is amazing. I need to read the rest of that series one day (I think the first trade collects the first 12 issues).

Right, I meant his Wondy and Supes in Kingdom Come. I haven't read Birthright but I know a lot of folks around here love it.

From this one issue of the event that I've read, Monster Men seems really dashed off and inconsequential. Plus, if you're going to use the Monster Men then you better bring it because when I think Batman and the Monster Men (and Hugo Strange, for that matter), I think of the truly great original story from the early

Yes, his Superman and Wonder Woman feel off to me.

I've been keeping up with Uncanny Avengers on Marvel Unlimited and have been surprised at how much I like it. It's not that memorable, honestly, but it's just wacky enough of a team book that I'm enjoying it. I actually really like Stegman's art on the book, too!

I came away from the LCS this week with the biggest bounty of new comics I've had in ages. I suppose it might not seem like a lot to some of you, but I hadn't bought seven new issues at once in a while. Also, they were all DC Rebirth titles. Here's what I got, and notes about those I've read so far;

I believe Westworld is, ah, west of Ghost World.

We've had that same experience, several times: seeing one of them lying there in their own puke is a sight you can never unsee. And I've had that exact same thought in that exact same situation, regarding CPS.

I want to laugh, but I'm also way too out of it and grumpy. The other night when my daughter puked I actually stamped my feet on the ground and yelled in disbelief: "No! No! No!" Poor kid, she looked at me like I was crazy. And in that moment I was crazy!

I used to work at one of those!

Dude! We did two loads of laundry in the midst of this insanity in the middle of the night, because of course the other crib sheets and mattress pads were in the laundry basket already, dirty.


Is that the Jerry Ordway Shazam series? I've always wanted to check that out.

I'm trying not to make a joke about Elvira's "sizable impact" but dammit it's really difficult! Elvira herself would seize that opportunity with gusto and make a joke, for sure. For me, she's just always been there, on the periphery most of the time like you say, and represents what I love about the b-movie, midnight

Back in the day I read most of the tie-ins, but not all. Yes, the second trade has that X-Factor annual, which I remember loving back then. I still love it now! And I failed to mention this earlier, but I really loved the Ghostbusters vibe going on throughout the entire event.