
I worked catering during the summer in college and weddings were our main events. I can tell you it left me with much the same impression you got from your experience. The stories I could tell, yeesh.

I finished my reread of "Inferno!" What a glorious, fucked up, wacky fun-house style event that was. Classic late '80s X-book nuttiness. Reading it in trades allowed me to read all of the tie-ins that I didn't read at the time. Could they have done without some of them? Absolutely. But each one was fun, showing that

Damn, that sucks. People like that will always look to blame you (or others) for their problems, so don't take it personally. Not saying you did, but just in case, it's good to remember that it sounds like it's most definitely them with the issue here, not you.

Something New looks delightful. Anyone who shines a light on the insanity of the wedding industry is aces in my book. "Why would people pay so much for a yard of tulle?" Classic.

I was just watching a couple of episodes last night on Netflix and just chilling out to the serenity of Bob Ross. He's a national treasure!

As of right now I'm planning on forging ahead, but having read a lot of that era, I'm not sure it'll be easy. That said, I'm mildly curious to revisit some of it and read the rest I didn't read at the time. We'll see how it goes. I'll keep you posted!

Good to hear the series picks up a bit. I'm liking it but it's definitely working the slow build so far.

Is that the Ostrander Suicide Squad series? I still have to finish reading volume one! So far it's good.

I really like that Evan Shaner cover. Duh, it's Evan Shaner! But saints alive do I dislike most of those newer costumes for the Titans.

We're on a roll now!

That's a fantastic idea. Clearly you don't work for Marvel!

I reread it a few years ago and still loved it!

Skewing old. It happens to me all the time, too.

Two votes for Omega Man! Huzzah!

If you struggle some with peak Claremont then you might struggle with Wolfman's NTT. Personally I enjoy Claremont's purple prose and it's one of my favorite voices from that era. But I am very much aware that it rubs a lot of people the wrong way! I found it hard to get into Wolfman's over-reliance on exposition at

Hmmmm, I've been thinking, because I hope to read Omega Men soon, that might be a good pick. I realize it might not be that readable available for all, though. Libraries might not have it in on the shelves yet, etc. Plus it was discussed here recently in a Comics Panel I want to say. Well, just throwing it out there

Have you ever read his old issues of Justice League of America, or his famous run on New Teen Titans? I'm picking up the trades of NTT as DC releases them and they're absolutely stunning! Definitely on par with his most excellent work (which is COIE, I agree).

Very true, and while the delays for Secret Wars were irritating, I'm fine with that because it meant that Esad Ribic could draw the entire series.

Someone on Twitter was raving about how Carol is the biggest douche (their word, not mine) in the Marvel Universe now. It was clear they love the character and were really upset over her treatment in Civil War 2. Another reason I'm happy I declined to read this one!

Yeah guys like Van Sciver and Ivan Reis are always solid on big event-type books. I might not think of them first when I think of artists I love, but I'm usually pretty pleased with their work.