
My first thought too.

Yeah, I have no idea what's up with any Hulks right now. I can't be bothered to try at this point!

You know, it's good cheer like that makes me want to keep hanging out here! I hope we can keep this going for a while! It's always a pleasure to interact with you folks.

I've talked about it here before but Fan Favorite Brian Michael Bendis's run on Daredevil left me feeling mostly flat.


That describes my own attempts at writing, and hell talking, almost every day.

Sounds like it might read best in a trade, in that case? I think I'll wait for that at this point. I hear the backup stories are pretty good, too.

Are they releasing these remastered editions this year on DVD and Blu Ray? If so I'll pick up the first one, at least.

I'm so glad I'm not reading Civil War 2, I'll tell you that. It sounds dreadful.

I'm waiting to read that one in trade or on Unlimited. I tried the current Doctor Strange on Unlimited recently, the first six issues. It was decent, funny at times, but overall didn't leave a big impression.

Comics nerdery (love that line) is much preferred to comics assholery.

Yes, they do. It was nice being at home but I also wound up feeling isolated and I missed working in person together with people on projects, etc.

I'm super excited to read Trinity #1.

Oh man, I only have vague memories of Phantasm scaring the pants off me as a kid. I need to see that again.

I figured you did.

They're really bugging me lately too. I'm only reading Black Widow from them (it's great) but most of the rest of their books hold little interest for me right now.

Still working my way through "Inferno!" What a fun ride. Absolutely batshit crazy, but so much fun. I think I have a handful of issues to go. I've been reading it in two fat trades, which include all of the ancillary tie-ins, some of which I never read at the time. The way Claremont, Louise Simonson and their editors

Bummer about the apartment hunt. If your deadline comes and you still don't have a place, can your cousin let you stay on a little longer?

Let's discuss today in the Big Issues thread.

The direction it appears Marvel is taking She-Hulk in? I could rant about that for a bit.