
Young Frankenstein Teri Garr, to boot! Such a cutie, I swoon every time I see her in that movie.

Goddamn I love that Englehart run on Dr. Strange.

Pinky swear!

Funny meeting you here!

Great Krypton do I hate his "Robert Mitchum squinting" version of Superman. Ugh.

Whoa, I don't remember that gal but I'm glad I don't check out the music comments now more than ever!

Finally finished Stranger Things! We have young kids so finding the time to watch it was tough, but I'm glad we finally did. Of course the national conversation has moved away from the show already, but I want someone to talk about it!!

I hate to sound like a curmudgeon, but if the shoe fits: from what I read about the premise it's not exactly what I was looking forward to in a new She-Hulk series.

That's been on my nightstand for a while, I need to finally read it! I read all of the Dark Tower series about four or five years ago, over the span of a year or so. I loved it!

I'm seriously tempted to sell my individual issues on eBay and upgrade to that deluxe edition.

Do I read comics? Come on now, my friend.

I saw some episodes of Aeon Flux on MTV Classic recently. My first viewing of that show since it aired. Damn, it's still a hoot and its weirdness still works for me.

I wonder how those guys feel today, re: Liefeld?!?

I saw an old friend over the weekend! Every time I hang out with her, which is only once a year if we're lucky because we live just far enough apart that it's difficult to make it happen more often, I'm reminded of just how unique our friendship is. When we spend time together it's clear to both of us how different

I've got to say it's probably ER. I realize that it's likely for nostalgic reasons, but man my friends and I loved that show back in the day, and those first four or five seasons are still really riveting to me.

I think Jodie Sweetin's breasts were responsible for 50% of viewers watching this, at least.

I'd be curious to know what about the tenor turned you off. I tend to agree with Power Girl about the discussions here being pretty great. Over at the rest of the AVC I can't say the same! I'm often pretty turned off by attitudes and general jerkiness in other sections (the music threads are particularly harsh).

I read it again recently for the first time since it came out. I found that my opinion of it was much the same. I'll wait till the discussion thread later this month to elaborate, but I will say that, like you, I'm not a huge fan. But I'm curious to read what others who are big fans think of it, partly to see if they

I did notice how yesterday's comics thread was less enthusiastic than normal. Not much interaction, it seemed. I chalked it up to a busy day for folks (I know I was not able to hang around long), but still, it did make me curious if things are slowing down here. I hope that's not the case.

Never thought I'd see "Jack Kirby" and "Trainspotting" in the same sentence. Huh.