
No new comics this week so all my reading was of the vintage variety. Hoping to hit the shop this week or next and pick up some new stuff.

I have the Sandman vol 1 TPB and haven't read it either, for much the same reason! Same with the first Nexus Omnibus, which I've also had for years but not read! I just can't commit to another long run when I already have so many in my reading pile to get to. I have several Marvel Epic Collections I have to read and

I remember that!

Best letter column I ever read was in Batman and the Outsiders. Readers were lighting into Mike W. Barr—and complaining about Alan Davis's art (!)—and Barr would fire right back at them. It was a pleasure to read, highly entertaining every month.

That's great, I'm glad you're enjoying it there already!

I liked the conversation between Tim and Oliver but I didn't wade too deep into the comments and once this posted I moved over here.

I picked up that Suicide Squad volume in the Comixology sale but haven't settled in to read it beyond the first issue yet. Are you going to continue the series? I'm actually hoping I don't like it so I won't be tempted to keep buying the other volumes!

Is Rucka's first Wonder Woman run collected in only two trades? I need to read that at some point.

Hey! I always look forward to hearing what you're reading. You're certainly selling me on New Super-Man and Deathstroke. I'm so in love with the art in Wonder Woman that I'm willing to give Rucka some time on the story, er, stories.

Zatanna, from Paul Dini. Bring him back and let him do his thing with an underused favorite character of mine.

My thoughts exactly. It's nice to enjoy DC comics again.

I've got my eye on New Super-Man when it comes out in trade, for sure. And I liked Superwoman too, think I might stick with it for a bit and see what happens.

I have all of the "issues" but have only read up to maybe #4. But yeah I loved what I read of that Metamorpho. Sign those two guys up for a series and I'm there!

I'd also like to see a decent Metamorpho series.

I'm a big fan of Bats and Zatanna from Dini's run on Detective. I'd like to see someone revisit that relationship.

This was great and hit on a lot of my feelings toward Reburth so far—it is a bit meat and potatoes but I'm enjoying the hell out of what I'm reading so far, which is about four or five Rebirth titles on my pull plus a few I've sampled an issue or two of so far. This piece mentioned a few books I'm curious about, like

I've enjoyed it too, a surprising amount actually. That last issue? Wow.

i'm in 100% agreement with you here.

That's a smart coworker because Wonder Woman has been stellar so far.

She certainly looked more ravishing than any other Martha we've seen in the ridiculously high number of "Bruce's parents get killed" scenes we've been subjected to lately!