
I finally read the Dark Tower series over the span of about a year, maybe three years back. It was a tremendous experience and I envy you for being able to experience that for the first time!

The Shining did something similar to me. Like most here I got into King in junior high but only read The Shining after having kids. It really affected me, big time. I read Pet Semetary as a kid and loved it, but I have no doubt it would hit me right in the gut if I reread it now.

I read comics criticism on several sites but I'm curious where you read it—I respect your opinion on comics and I'm always looking for other opinions on books I'm reading or interested in reading.

He got dissed by a smart-ass kid actor, so there's that!

I too write reviews and am really into reading them as well. Long live criticism!

You're so right about that/ When I follow my own personal tastes and ignore the hype I usually find that to be the most rewarding path.

King's Vision is another series I have literally never read anything remotely negative about. I do think it's likely great (I'm waiting for trade or Marvel Unlimited with that one) but the echo chamber in comics criticism circles does turn me off at times.

Fawned over may have been a bit harsh, I mostly meant that everything I've read about it was wholly positive. I appreciate this review's critical approach for all the same reasons you enumerated.

This might be the first review of Omega Men I've read that wasn't fawning all over it. I still plan on picking up the trade, hopefully soon, but I'm curious what you all think. I know several of you here loved it.

The art looks lush and beautiful, definitely grabbed my attention.

I need to do that. I'm starting to think I can ditch some of the Marvel Essentials I've read. They're so big and take up so much room.

They've totally still got it. I last saw them at Hartford in 2013 (we had kids since then so I haven't been able to get away for shows much) and that's one of the best concert experiences of my life. They just tore the roof off the place. Every time I see them I'm amazed at their energy and connection to the audience.

This looks great! I'm always curious about process: what tools and programs are you using to create your webcomic?

Best wishes on a safe and easy move! And the job will come, stay strong in the meantime.

Definitely less advisable for me, I hear ya!

I'm betting they themselves were lame white guys, right?

I know a few of those guys and they seem to say, basically, "That's not heavy enough!!"

Mine too, that's why I'm having a hard time parting with anything!

I read Kingdom Come waaaaaaay back and still have a copy, so I'm down with that one.

I really enjoyed Wonder Woman #5 last night. I'm so on board with that series. I have yet to read Detective #939 but will soon. I'm also still reading Black Widow and Green Arrow (still love them both), and I tried out All-Star Batman #1 last night. I think I'm going to keep up with that one for a while too.