
I need to dump some books because space is becoming an issue for me. But I really want this one!

I feel like Norm entering the bar on Cheers!

Agreed on St. Roch. When I was reading that series I just wished to god they'd have called it New Orleans. It kept taking me out of it every time I read "St. Roch." Anyway, I absolutely loved Johns' run on Hawkman.

I think we're keeping up the same pace with our Azzarello/Chiang Wonder Woman trades. I just read the third this week too! My main complaint is I don't think Azzarello's Diana is fully developed. I mentioned it earlier but she seems to be a supporting character in this series at times. Chiang, however, draws one of

I had it in my hands Wednesday but put it back because I was already picking up five new issues and needed to be prudent. It's definitely going to come home with me in the near future though.

78 comments? Yet again, late to the party.

Not overly dramatic at all. We're the same age and I had a very similar experience with that album. I'd been feeling lost for several years at that point, directionless, rudderless. I was approaching senior year of college and was nearly paralyzed with uncertainty about what to do next. That album came at a perfect

Same here and you're so right, it is just interesting to follow a band that's falling apart while also making extraordinary music. It's the same reason I love Neil Young's "Ditch Trilogy."

It is an awfully fun song, that's for sure. Great little guitar solo in there too.

"Porch" is phenomenal. Especially live and especially during those first four or five years of the band's existence. Every time I play Yield I think, "How can this NOT be my favorite Pearl Jam record?" even though I almost never cite it as so (I usually go with a rotation of Vs., Vitalogy, or No Code). It's just

Okay, let's try this: Corduroy (might be my favorite song, period), Rearviewmirror, Immortality, Not For You, Hail Hail, Long Road, State of Love and Trust.

This is one of those albums that meant the world to me back then. It still does, too. I can remember hotly anticipated its release and then being blown away by it. I was apparently one of the few listeners who enjoyed this left field turn from the band! I remember being annoyed and slightly pissed at critics and even

Those issues are great! They were a really nice complement to the Wolverine miniseries.

Paul Smith, yes! I'm doing a big Claremont X-Men reread, slowly, and it was a pleasure to reread the all-too-brief Smith era. I'm in the midst of Mutant Massacre right now, so I've been basking in the glory of Sabretooth's big tan bodysock of late.

Wolverine's brown costume kicks ass. Spidey's black costume kicks the same amount of ass. Current Rebirth Wonder Woman looks perfect in her redesign. I like Captain Marvel's costume from the last several years, too. There are so many more, of course.

Remember She-Hulk's slip? Do I ever!

His pants that, somehow, do not rip to shreds and fall off when he Hulks out. If that's been explained I'd love to here how it works.

That is not where I thought that story was going to end up, thank goodness! I love spontaneous hooting and hollering. Great story.

Every story followed a template: (Villain) has a new plot to (evil scheme). Batman and Robin find (Villain) and get put into a deathtrap. They escape via Bat-(plot device) and capture (Villain).

State of Grace, released in 1990 (and a really good movie, BTW), would certainly have us believe so.