
This was a great piece, thanks for spotlighting an album that was huge to a good chunk of us '90s kids—but not really very good overall, unfortunately. "Fallin'" is still perfect though, all these years later. God I love that song.

I wish life could be, Sweeeedish magazines!

Ugh, as if what I knew of the story wasn't upsetting enough. It's going to be really hard for me to every seek this one out now. If I'd been reading it all along that'd be one thing (and even then I'd likely have dropped it at some point after all this), but now my motivation is so low. What a despicable story all

Yup, Riot Act is the one album of theirs that I rarely return to. I certainly like several of the songs but the overall feel of the album just doesn't compare to their other work for me. And self-titled is pretty great, I agree.

You are a teller of the truth, my friend!

Some of those early Jimmy Eat World albums still hold up for me, but I hear ya overall.

Yeah he had a few strikes against him.

Hmmm let me think about that ;-)

I missed that too, and while I have yet to read Rat Queens I really want to get to it at some point. I just looked it up, seems like former series artist Roc Upchurch - who was charged with misdemeanor battery for beating up his wife - is returning to art duties and Fowler was going to share the work with him. She

I haven't been paying attention to solicits much but this doesn't surprise me.

Very true and that rivalry really excited a lot of fans back then. It helped make it all seem so much more vital to us.

I was looking at all y'alls boobs, okay?

Is Planetary Vol. 1 still in the mix for September?

Thank you. I haven't read a lot with the character but what I have read tends to turn me off from her. She's in Ultimates right now, which I'm catching up with on Marvel Unlimited, and I can't figure out why she's even there.

If Lois is gone, then DC has cleaned up the mess of having two Lois Lanes running around, which suits me fine. I liked the first issue and might continue reading it, but if I drop it won't be because of that surprise ending.

Very true. It seems like the fan overreaction to first issue shocks has gotten completely out of control lately.

I still haven't seen that, but several years ago I was gifted the book collecting his journal entries (I can't remember the title of the book) and that really went a long way towards finding him insufferable. I loved his music, and I know he struggled with plenty of stuff, but he had a habit of turning those

That's a great Pearl Jam story, Josh. That was the famous Milwaukee show then? I used to play bootlegs of that one and Soldier Field '95 continuously. This reminds me, I need to dig those out again (or just find them online to stream). God the band was on fire in '95. And No Code turns twenty this year! And I think a

The man's a legend! And let's not forget his screaming into phones, which he did with aplomb in Halloween III.