
Halloween III might have the greatest hotness disparity between a film's two leads. Stacey Nelkin is smokin' hot and Tom Atkins is, well, Tom Atkins.

I know, I know. I'll definitely get them, I just spent some money on books recently though and I need to wait before I can splurge again.

I dropped that show a season or so ago but Adrienne was about the only thing I liked by that point. She really was great, I might've watched her spinoff if that had been picked up.

Just some grumbling about the price of comics, because, why not? I really want to pick up the last two volumes of Transformers Vs. G.I. Joe but dammit if IDW doesn't overprice them. For the page counts, 20 bucks a pop seems too high. I loved the first volume so I know I'll eventually get them, but even discounted a

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing myself recently—I've been writing for a couple of websites this year and trying to promote the hell out of the articles via Twitter and sometimes Facebook. Then the other day I just kind of hit a wall because this week has been so hectic and exhausting. I started thinking, "Man,

I didn't know that. Now I can't wait to find out either.

I don't usually like to spend a lot on any one book, I'm always looking for deals or stuff that's marked at a good price with respect to size, page count, etc. I suppose the most might've been on the Warlock Marvel Masterworks edition. Maybe that cost me $60? I can't remember now, it must've been a decade ago. I'd

Hey, I saw the movie of your life then!

Hmmm, a series I haven't really considered reading but this looks okay. The cover art is especially nice. I might look for it on Unlimited at some point.

I had the same feelings seeing Almost Famous in theaters. I watched it once or twice in the year or two after but haven't seen it since. I really need to revisit that one.

My goodness some of these would have been my own answers to the question!

I know nothing of that series so I'm totally being a dick for fun here.

I don't think I've read any of the Season Ones. Are they just modernized origin stories?

That seems only fair in this circumstance.

They did have some great artists on that series, even on the Gillis series too. Michael Golden, Howard Chaykin, Pat Broderick, Gil Kane, plus early work from Kelley Jones.

I really kind of hate Chris Sims' entire shtick.

Yes, yes, yes, dammit. I tried reading Hellcat the other day and quit after an issue and a half. It was fine, and I liked the art, but that tone was actively distancing me from the book.

Oh yeah, that was great! Plus, totally awesome Alan Davis on art!

Hmmm, I'm not sure that's such a good deal.

Definitely, Uncanny X-Force is my favorite of Remender's work that I've read, and I've read a bunch.